Dancing on Thin Ice

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 "Whee!" Maru exclaimed as skated through the Kira Kira Ice Skating Center. This was where the Wind Dance Class party was held instead of the Dance Class building mainly cause they don't have an ice skating rink. "This is so much fun!"

"I've ..." Izzy said, trying to keep her balance as she held onto Uli and Kitara's shoulders, "never been ... ice skating ... before."

"It's really fun, Izzy," Rita assures her friend as she skates by. "You just have to put one skate in front of the other to go forward then point your toes to stop."

"Give it a try, girl!" Cassie encouraged Izzy. "Avery's never been ice skating before and look at her!"

Everyone tuned to Avery who was bolting across the ice at an almost unnatural pace. "Go for it!" Avery called as she passed by.

"Oh ... okay," Izzy slowly let go of Uli and Kitara's shoulders then held onto their hands as they slowly moved forward together.

"You got this, Beatriz!" Uli assured her.

"You're doing wonderful," Kitara added.

"A-arigato," Izzy replied, still starting to get the hang of it. As she slowly started to get better, Uli and Kitara loosened their grip on Izzy's hands.

"We're going to let go now," Uli said.


"It's okay, you'll be," Kitara said. "1 ..."

"Chotto! Matte!" Izzy cried.

"2 ..." said Uli.


"3!" Uli and Kitara let go and Izzy slipped and 'skated' across the rink. It became clear she did not have the hang of it as she started to get too close to crashing into someone.

"WATCH OUT!" Rainbow crescendo cried.


Too late.

Izzy crashed into someone, but didn't tip them over since he had better balance on skates. Izzy slipped back and almost fell but luckily she was caught intime. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine .... Arigato, Tanoshi-senpai," Izzy replied.

"Just call me, Tanoshi," Tanoshi said as he helped Izzy back onto her feet.

"I'm ... sorry for bumping into you," Izzy said.

"Think nothing of it," Tanoshi assured her.

"I'll go now," Izzy said as Uli skated over and took Izzy away.

"Bye," Tanoshi waved.

Izzy waved back then turned to Uli. "I never want to do that again!"

"Okay, okay. You don't have to," Uli said. "Want to get a snowcone?"

"Yes," Izzy nodded.


"The Perfect Idol Cup is almost here," Rose commented as she skated with Tori, Luna, and Kizu. "And it looks like Yujin has a fighting chance."

"I need to do some tests on that Sun Coord of his," Kizu said.

"Are you upset you didn't get the Sun Dress with your Star Premium Rare Coord, Tori?" Luna asked.

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