A Day with Luna

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Luna stood in front of Headmaster Moroboshi's desk, waiting for him to tell her what he had to say so early. "You wanted to see me, Headmaster," Luna said.

"Yes," he nodded, "I have seen your schedule for the day and with your trip to the hospital tonight I think you could use some supervision." Luna scrunched up her face.

"Supervision? You mean a babysitter?" she said.

"I mean, a manager. Someone volunteered for the job and I think he will do just fine."

"He?" Luna said.

"I believe you're familiar with Yujin Besuto," Headmaster Moroboshi said.

"I ... am," Luna started to smile. Yujin, huh.


"I swear you're following me," Luna said as she and Yujin were in a car that was being driven to Luna's first gig.

"And I could swear that I'm not," Yujin replied. "Where's our first stop?"

"First I have an interview for a radio show; then a photo shoot for Material Color," Luna said. "Then I have a commercial for Material Color cosmetics; I have a little time for a break then I unveil the latest Material Color Premium Rare Coord!" Luna took her cards out of her pocket and showed them to Yujin. "The Cubit Fashionista Coord! A nice colorful theme of pink, yellow, and blue with the right amount of silver. And a perfect mix of summer and winter into one!"

"It's very beautiful. Mio outdid herself," Yujin complimented. "But it sounds like you have a very Material Color filled day."

"I love Material Color," Luna said with a sigh. "I remember seeing the clothes for the first time! Instant love! Wasn't it the same for you and your Guardian Angel Coord?"

"I wouldn't call it love," said Yujin, "but it is my favorite coord."

"Excuse me, Ms. Kira," said the driver, "we're here."

"Oh! Thank you!" Luna said with a smile. "Come on, Manager!"

"Right behind you, Ms. Luna," said Yujin.


"And now we'll be welcoming our guest, S4's Luna Kira," said the show host.

"It's a pleasure to be here," Luna said into her microphone.

"So Luna, you announced recently that you have cancer."

"Oh, going right to the hard questions," Luna giggled. "Um, yeah I do have cancer. But I am going to be A-OK! I am going to be staying in the hospital for the week after the doctors get another look at me, but that won't stop me from my Aikatsu!"

"Strong as ever I see," said the talk host.

Yujin watched in amazement at Luna's interview. She's not scared at all, he thought. He keeps doing Aikatsu, even in the bleakest moments. Only Luna, I guess.


"Ta-da!" Luna said as she danced out of her dressing room. "What do you think? It's the Graphical Mode Coord!"

Yujin gave her the OK sign. "Take it from a guardian angel, Material Color is your brand."

"Thanks," Luna said with a smile. "Even with the glasses?"

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