S4 Selections! Start!

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Izzy woke up and turned off her alarm clock. She sat up in bed and stretched. She had to remember, what was so special about today? And audition?

Then it hit her.

"The S4 Selections are today," she said.

Starting today, a four day series of musical battles would begin to see who would be allowed into the four spots of S4.


"The place is going to be packed!" Luna said to the rest of S4. "The Perfect Idol Cup has given Four Star Academy a lot of publicity. Now everyone wants to watch the S4 Selections."

"Who wouldn't when Perfect Luna will be performing on the first day?" said Tori.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to being called that," Luna said.

"Perfect Luna. Perfect Luna!" Kizu chanted. "PERFECT -"

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Kizu," Kitara said. "But Luna, you still won't be giving in an inch, right?"

"Of course not!" Luna said. "And you'll make sure you stay in S4 next year, right?"

"Of course!" Kitara nodded.

"Your spot maybe," Rose said before appearing out of nowhere. "However, as a former member of S4 I will not allow my score to be so puny, even if I am going into the High school next year."

"Okay then," Kitara said with a nod. "But today is about Luna and her rivals."

"Darn right!" said Luna. "But good luck to all of you, we'll need it with the students we have this year."



"Oh ... I'm so excited for this year's S4 Selections!" Tanoshi exclaimed.

"Me too," Yujin said. "It feels even more exciting then last year."

"Probably cause we know more of the idols competing in each class," Zander said.

"And they're all so ... BAM!" Lex added.

"Why isn't there an M4 Selections?" Kazuno asked. "Cause, if there was, I'm pretty sure I would kick all of yours butts."

M4 sighed, remembering that they were stuck babysitting the little diva again.

"Kazuno, M4 is not a school based unit," Zander tried to explain. "So a school wide competition is not appropriate."

"Also we have two members of Song Class in here," Tanoshi said.

"Actually ..." Yujin said.

"You're not switching classes are you?" Lex cried.

"Well after the dance Luna and I did on the roof, Headmaster Moroboshi's been asking me if I should move to Dance Class."

"Are you?" Zander asked.


"I guess that will make you my upperclassman in Dance Class," Kazuno said. "That's perfect! I need an inside man to tell everyone how amazing I am!"

"Maybe not."

"They're sure are a lot of people here," Tanoshi said, changing the subject. "There are my parents. And Chaser! Or is it Chase?"

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