Always a Way

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 "Luna," Tori said as she knocked on Luna door. "Luna, are you feeling alright?" Tori slowly opened the door and looked at the mess that laid on Luna's bed. "Luna?"

Slowly, Luna looked up at Tori with her said cyan eyes. "Leave me alone, Tori. Please," Luna said.

Tori frowned and nodded. "Sure." She left the room and her friend in peace. Or 'peace'. Whatever you would call that tragedy in there.

Tori went back down to join the rest of S4 for breakfast. "Is Luna not feeling well?" Kitara asked as Kizu nibbled on some scones.

"No. I mean yes. But ... I think she needs time alone," Tori said.

"It's just like you, Tori!" Kizu said. "You know, when you locked yourself up in your room and didn't come out for days!"

"I hope it's not like me," Tori replied.

"Will this happen to every member of S4?" Kizu wondered. "WHAT IF THERE'S AN EVIL BUG GOING AROUND THE SCHOOL?!!"

"There's no bug, Kizu, calm down," Tori said.

"These things just happen some time," Kitara said just before Tori's Aikatsu Mobile began to ring.

"It's Tanoshi," Tori said as she turned on the hologram call. "Hey bro-bro! How's M4's concert?"

"It was, well, postponed since Yujin isn't feeling his best," Tanoshi explained over the holographic image.

"I'LL START MAKING THE CURE IN MY LAB!" Kizu exclaimed before taking off.

"Kizu!" Tori cried then scowled at Tanoshi. "Why?"

"He won't say," Tanoshi started. "He's just really depressed -"

"I meant, why you, Tanoshi!" Tori said. "Please don't set Kizu or myself off!"

"Sorry," Tanoshi replied. "Just tell Kizu the nurse's office meds will cure him just fine."

"It's not that," Kitara explained. "Kizu thinks there's some sort of bug going around the school that makes people mentally ill and lock themselves up in their room for days and days."

"Oh yeah. Like you, Tori," Tanoshi said.

"Yes. Let's just hope Luna and Yujin aren't like me," Tori said.

"Luna's not feeling well either?" Tanoshi asked.

"No, she isn't," Kitara said sadly.

"Maybe it was that dance they did on the roof last night," Tanoshi said. "Maybe they got a cold."

"Maybe ..." Tori said. Then she decided she'd talk to Tanoshi about it later. "Talk to you later?"

Tanoshi nodded. "TTYL, Sister!"

They hung up and Tori turned to Kitara. "Shall we start the day?" Kitara asked.


No matter how many cartoons Luna watched on her Aikatsu Mobile, she couldn't forget last night. She couldn't forget how Yujin yelled at her; how Kalani yelled about Yujin; and Yujin and Luna's dance. The last happy moment they will probably ever have together.

Luna should have just left Yujin alone. She would have been shielded from the truth, that she held part in Yujin's heartbreak. After seeing Kalani's outburst over her unromantic feelings toward Yujin, Luna could think Yujin just got angry. But the way he looked at her, the things he said, she somehow held part in this and she never knew.

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