Prove to the Aikatsu Muse

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Almost all of Four Star Academy was waiting at the entrance for Luna Kira to return. "Is that her car?" Izzy asked as she waited with her friends.

"No, no," Uli shook her head.

"I can't wait for my rival to get back into top shape again," Miho said. "That way I won't feel bad when I outdance her at the S4 selection and the Perfect Idol Cup."

"Evil!" Maru said in a low whisper to the second years.

"NOT Evil!" Miho said.

"There she is!" Cassie exclaimed.

"Hold up your signs!" Rita reminded everyone.

They all held up their signs as a car pulled up to the entrance. The doors opened and luna wearing a silver cap came out.

"Luna-senpai!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Did she lose her hair?" Rita asked.

"I heard that happens when people have cancer," Cassie said.

"It doesn't happen when people have cancer," Kitara corrected.

"I think it's part of the medications they gave her or something, I'm not really sure," said Avery. "But yeah, her hair's gone."

"But it doesn't matter!" said Izzy. "Luna-senpai is back!"


"What's all this?" Luna said.

"Just a little welcome home gift," Tanoshi said. "Sorry the rest of M4 couldn't be here, they're all busy with other things. However I, your trusted childhood friend, can always make time for you ... most of the time."

Luna chuckled. "Thanks."

"Any time. Hey you look great, did you get a new haircut or something?" Tanoshi asked with a grin.

"Oh gosh, please don't," Luna said as she tried to stop her laughter. "Haha. But I'm really happy you're here Tanoshi, I want your help with my next performance at the school's hall!"

"Another performance? You just got back from the hospital," Tanoshi said with almost a bit of laughter.

"Hey, what can I say, I'm always on top of my game!" Luna said, pumping her fists in the air.

"You sure are. So what do you need help with?" Tanoshi asked.


"I'm so glad Luna-senpai is back," Izzy said to Uli as the two friends hung posters for the Four Star Academy Unit Contest that would be held at the end of September.

"Yeah, me too," Uli replied as she started to hang up the last of her posters.

"Do you think S4 will perform for the unit contest?" Izzy asked.

"We could ask Kitara, but it really sounds like Tori won't be able to do it," Uli said.

"Oh," Izzy frowned. "Maybe we could ask Kitara anyway. Where is she?"

"Getting her latest Premium Rare Coord," Uli said with a grin. "I bet it will be beautiful!"

"Yeah. I can't wait to get my own Premium Rare Coord," Izzy said to herself.


"Ta-da!" Sora said as she clicked a button to reveal the latest Premium Rare Coord for Bohemian Sky. "The Diamond Peacock Coord. What do you think?"

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