The Great Return

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 "Tanoshi!" Tori cried when her brother returned to Four Star Academy.

"Tori!" Tanoshi cried as his sister welcomed him back to his home away from home. They hugged. "I saw you're performance! You got Star Wings?"

Tori reached into her pocket and held out the shining cards in her hand, eager to show them off. "The wings of Venus, baby!"

"Wow," Tanoshi said. "Hey ... you seem better than the last time I saw you. What happened?"

"Oh ... stuff," Tori said. "You also look a little better than usual. Anything special happen?"

"Stuff," Tanoshi said with a shrug.

They smiled at each other. "Well, come on!" said Tori, taking Tanoshi's hand. "We have to get ready for our show tonight!"

"Right! This school needs to see the best of the girls and boys division at work!" Tanoshi said. "Let's go!"


"Tori's performance was incredible!" Avery cried. "My heart was booming mad, I tell you! She just goes on hiatus for all this time then shows up and BAM! Star Wings!"

"It was incredible!" Izzy agreed. "And Luna-senpai is the one to thank for it."

"But on a sad note," said Rita, "no more Star Wings."

"Yeah. Oh, girl, I really wanted to get a pair," said Cassie.

"At least Kitara and Izzy have a pair," said Uli.

"And Yujin-senpai too," said Izzy.

"So only four idols in Japan have Star Wings," said Miho. "Yujin with the Mars Wings, Kitara with the Neptune Wings, Izzy with the Pluto Wings, and Tori with the Venus Wings."

"The rest of S4 mentioned something about a Sun Dress," Kitara said.

"Ooh ... sounds interesting," said Maru.

"I don't remember much about it though," Kitara admitted.

"Sounds like a trip to the library to me," said Uli.

"I can concur," said Miho. "Let's go!"


"Tanoshi!" Lex cried as he wrapped his arms around his friend. "You missed it! You missed your own sister's performance!"

"I'm sorry," Tanoshi said.

As the two friends hugged, Zander made his way to Tori. "I'm glad you're back," he said.

"I wasn't the one who left," Tori said with a smile.

"I beg to differ," Zander replied. "Your performance was, I'll admit, impressive."

"I got Star Wings, Zander! I don't see a pair of wings on the back of your coord!" Tori said with a grin.

"I'm too good for them," Zander said, exchanging a grin.

"More like not good enough for them," Tori mumbled.

"Nah, nah, nah," said Yujin. "None of that. Get along you two."

"It's a friendly argument! That's all!" said Tori. "but - oh - Zander, I wanted to talk to you about Galactic Dream!"

"You mean that unit we did with Tanoshi at the school's festival last year?" Zander asked. Tori nodded. "What about it?"

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