The Dancing Cinderella

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Luna had gotten up early to practice some dance moves. She wanted to work on her tap dancing, which she feared she might be getting rusty on.

She made her way through the Dance Class building to find the practice room that was always left unlocked for her. To Luna's surprise, the room was not only unlocked but open with the tiniest sound of music coming from it.

Luna crept up to the room, careful not to make any noise. She could see a figure dancing, but the morning sun that shone from the windows made her only see the idol's silhouette. But Luna could still tell they were an incredible dancer.

"Who are you?" Luna wondered quietly before stepping away from the room.


Since Tori was still at her house at the time, and there was no way to have a proper S4 tea party, Kitara decided to have breakfast with Izzy, Uli and Avery.

"I love this gazebo," Izzy said as she bit into her toast.

"Me too," said Kitara. "I found peace here time after time."

"I found inspiration here too!" said Uli.

"Oh yeah, speaking of which, you have your fashion show coming up soon," said Avery. "My heart's booming at the thought of it!"

"Thanks," said Uli.

"My, my, my," said the familiar voice of Miho Mairi, "we meet again. May we join you?"

"Sure!" The second year girls said, allowing the first years to join them.

"I thought I heard you guys talking about a fashion show as we walked over," said Maru. "Care to give more details?"

"Sure," said Uli, "it was about my brand, Sugar Fairy Parade, it's going to have its first fashion show in just a couple weeks."

"Ooh! That's so exciting, girl!" said Cassie. "We're totally going!"

"Speaking of brands," said Miho, "I decided to change my brand."

"C-change it!?!" Izzy cried.

"Yes. I've found that, Silky Ocean doesn't really suit me and decided on Dolly Devil as my preferred brand instead."

"Y-you just want to switch like that? So soon!?!" Izzy cried.

"That's to show Miho's individuality," said Rita.

"It also shows how evil Miho is!" Maru said with a laugh.

"Just because Devil is in the name doesn't make it evil!" Miho cried. "I just find that those types of sexy clothing suit me better."

"But you're just changing! You already have a Premium Rare Coord!" Izzy cried, still not able to grasp the awesomeness of this phenomenon.

"Of course you can change," Miho said matter of factly, "I just did. I have returned the Golden Butterfly Coord, as lovely as the coord was, to the top designer and have asked Lucy Kisaragi, the top designer for Dolly Devil, for a premium rare coord from her. It should be ready any day now."

Changing brands. This reminded Izzy of the conversation she had with Chase not that long ago about getting 'her own brand'.

I have a brand, she said to herself, Demo ... how long will Tori-senpai be willing to share?

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