Searching For The Perfect Idol

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 "Minna, this is my childhood friend, Chase!" Izzy said as she introduced her friends to her friend.

"Hi," Chase waved.

"Chase-kyun, this is Uli-chan, Kitara-chan, Avery-chan, Maru-chan, Cassie-chan, Miho-chan and Rita-chan!" The seven girls waved at the boy.

"Nice to meet you and see you again," Chase said, then he pointed at the first years. "I saw you guys at the brand debut, right?"

"Yes," Miho replied.

"So are we going to head out and eat or what?" Cassie said. "Sorry girls (and boy), but I'm hungry. I skipped breakfast."

"Sure. Where are we heading?" Avery asked.

"I was thinking pizza," said Uli.

"Sounds good to me," said Chase.

"Me too!" Izzy said.

"Me three," Rita added.

"Then it's settled!" said Maru. "We'll have pizza for lunch then for dessert we can stop by Sweet Daze and get a little something."

"What's Sweet Daze?" Kitara asked.

"Oh you'll love it, girl!" Cassie cried. "We have to go, come on!"

"Oh dear, do we have to?" Uli asked.

As a small quarrel broke out about going to Sweet Daze, it was suddenly silenced as Rita made an observation. "That's a huge ship," she said.

Everyone turned to the small view of the ocean they had. "It's Neo Venus Ark!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Oh, I never saw it in real life before!" said Maru. "My little sister talks about going there when she's older and seeing the world."

"Cool, she should go for it," Chase said. "So ... Pizza?"


When the nine of them arrived at Frank's Pizza, they ordered three pizzas and dove right in. "This is so good, girl!" Cassie said with her mouth full of cheese.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Miho ordered.

"Sorry," Cassie replied, mouth still full.

"Hoishi!" Izzy said.

"Yeah," Uli nodded as she whipped off some sauce with her napkin. Then, her eyes caught onto a small television that was on the far end of the wall. "Hey, it's Elza!"


Everyone turned around to see that, yes, the famous Perfect Idol herself was on the television. "I'm going to check it out," Avery said, getting up from her chair. "Excuse me, sir," she said, talking to an employee, "can you turn the volume up on the tellie over there."

"Eh, sure," the man said.

"Greetings idols of the world!" Elza said on the screen. "I am Perfect Elza as I'm sure you're all aware of. My time as an idol has long since ended, and extraordinary idols have crossed this world. And so, with the reappearance of Star Wings encouraging me, I have decided to hold a new competition for all idols of the world. The Perfect Idol Cup!"

Not only were the idols in the pizza place listening, but idols all over the world had their attention glued to Elza. The idols in Dream Academy; the idols at Starlight Academy; the idols at Star Harmony Academy; the idols at Four Star Academy; and even the idols who didn't go to any school. All were hanging on every word Elza said.

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