Bringing the Aikatsu Heat

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Luna knocked on Tori's door. "Tori ..." she said. "Tori this getting ridiculous, get out of your room and breathe some fresh air! Tori!" There was no answer. "Are you asleep? Are you crying?" Luna opened the door. Tori was in bed and she didn't look well. Her eyes were closed.

Luna sighed. "Please Tori, get up and do something."

Luna left the room just as Kizu was dashing by. "Hey Kizu," Luna said, "do you think there might be a bug or something Tori that making her seem ... not herself?"

Kizu's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "So you know about them to?" she said. Luna laughed.

"But seriously, I wish there was a way to bring back the passion and life back into Tori," Luna said.

"Me too," Kizu replied. "But I don't have time to talk about all of this now, I have to head out to start recording for the series finale of Super Idol Sleuths! Wish me luck!"

"Good luck!" Luna said.

"Thanks!" Kizu called back.


Zander: So that's it? You're going to take the treasure and leave?

Kizu: I'm doing it for you! I'm doing it for us!

Zander: That witch can't be trusted! Why are you risking everything for her?

Kizu: I'm risking everything for you! I don't want anybody to hurt you.

"CUT!" the director cried. "Great work you two!"

"Thanks," they said in unison.

"Wow Zander, you were really into that roll!" Kizu exclaimed as the two of them walked over to get their waters.

"You were fantastic too, Kizu," Zander added.

"Thank you!" Kizu began taking big gulps of water.

"Alright," said a stagehand who Kizu and Zander had gotten familiar with, Wyatt Mijuku, "you two have your songs ready for the party tonight?"

"Of course!" Kizu exclaimed. "I'm going to perform to the best of my ability!"

"Me too," Zander said with a nod. "Maybe I'll be able to turn my new coords into a Star Premium Rare Coord!"

"Well you better hurry," Wyatt said, "I heard an idol in Los Angeles just got the Earth Wings."

"You're joking," Zander replied.

"What can I say? These things are going by fast," Wyatt said as fixed his glasses. "Good luck at your performances!"

"Thank you, Wyatt!" Kizu said.

"Only two more Star Wings," Zander said, "that means M4 can't all have Star Wings." Zander frowned, knowing how much Lex was excited about the idea.

"You mean you didn't already!?!" Kizu cried. "But your coords were all shining! How could they not be?"

"Well we don't know," Zander replied, "but Yujin is the only one with Star Wings."

"Cool! Where are they from?" Kizu asked.

"Where ... uh ... Mars," Zander answered.

"Cool! Wouldn't it be cool if I had wings?" Kizu said. "I mean, did you see Kitara's Neptune Wings? They were out of this world!"

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