Popping Fashion Show

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Uli looked at her sketchbook, trying to figure out what was missing from her new Premium Rare Coord. It was there. It was finished. But what was missing?

"The Exciting Toy Box Coord," she said as she pulled at her blonde hair some more, "what are you missing?"


Izzy was jogging that morning by herself. She needed to train harder to get into S4 after all. But then, Izzy saw Tori jogging not too far ahead of her.

Izzy smiled. "Tori-senpai!" she called. Then, to her surprise, Tori went even faster! "Huh? Tori-senpai!" Izzy called louder. Tori ran even faster.

If it's a race she wants, then it's a race she'll get! Izzy thought.

Izzy took off and caught up with Tori so that they're eyes could meet if Tori just looked at Izzy. "Tori-senpai, is something wrong?" Izzy asked. But Tori just took off. Izzy stopped running so she could catch her breath. "What happened to you?" she asked herself.

"Oh! Izzy!" called a familiar voice. Izzy turned to see Cassie Izumi running over in her yellow track suit. "Getting some extra running time to, girl?"

"Yeah," Izzy nodded. "You too, Isee."

"Yeah, I have to build up my energy for my audition today, girl!" Cassie said with a smile.

"Audition?" Izzy asked.

"Yes! It's for a movie, 'Aikatsu Underground'. It's set in an apocalyptic world where music and Aikatsu are band, but a group of heroes fight off those who want to stop them with the power of A I K A T S U! Aikatsu!"

"Wow! Sounds like fun," Izzy said. "Is Kizu-senpai going to be in it? I didn't hear anything from her."

"Nope. At least, i don't think so," Cassie answered. "But Maru auditioned and she took the lead!"

"She did?" Izzy said, her eyes widening.

"Yep! She's playing, Glimmer, the main character! I'm going for the loveable character, Hope! I love her so much, girl, I just gotta play her!" Cassie said with a squeal. "Maybe you could stop by and watch some time?"

"I'll try, but I promised I'd help Uli-chan with her fashion show," Izzy said. "But I'll see what I can do. Ganbatte, Cassie-chan!"

"Thanks. Hey, want to jog together?" Cassie asked.

"Oh ... sure!" Izzy said with a smile. "Come on!"

"Thanks, girl!" said Cassie.

"Aikatsu! Aikatsu! Aikatsu!"


"What do you think of these?" Uli asked as she showed her friends the coords she would be using for the fashion show.

"Kawaii!" Izzy said with a wide smile. "Uli -chan, these are sugoii!"

"Indeed," said Kitara, "they certainly bring out the creativity you have inside of you."

"I think they're pretty booming awesome!" said Avery. "Which one will I be wearing?"

"You?" Uli said.

"I thought we were doing more then set up the stage!" said Avery. "I thought we would be modeling."

"I ... actually didn't think you wanted to model," said Uli, "my designs aren't really fit any of your styles. And plus, I already have first-years offering to do the modeling."

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