Closer When We're Apart

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 "I can't believe it's only been a year," Luna said as she, Tori, Kizu, and Kitara were in the kitchen, baking cookies (though the cookie dough kept vanishing.)

"Yes, it feels like it's been forever," Kitara agreed.

"But at the same time it feels like it's been such a short time," Tori said.

"Time's slowing down," Kizu told them.

"I feel like it's been speeding up," Tori said.

"Well the effect of the aliens is different for different people," Kizu said as she stole another finger full of cookie dough.

"I suppose aliens are stealing the cookie dough?" Luna asked.

"Mm-hmm," Kizu nodded as she sucked on ehr finger.

"I must say," Kitara went on, "I feel left out."

"You do?" Luna said. "Why?"

"Cause I'm the only second year in S4, the rest of you will be going to the High School no matter what happens at the S4 Selections."

The rest of S4 paused and turned to each other. "Actually," said Tori, "Tanoshi and I were offered an opportunity for a year long tour around Japan. Lots of people want to see the famous Yuki Twins as a unit."

"I didn't know!" Kitara replied. "But I can't say I'm surprised. You two make a great pair."

"We're twins after all," Tori said with a smile. "Though we're still thinking about it, so don't worry too much."

"Oh, okay," Kitara nodded.

"I've been given the chance to start a career in Tokyo," Kizu added. "I'll get to do all sorts of acting there!"

"Congratulations, Kizu!" Kitara said as she and Luna began to roll the dough into balls and placed them on the cookie sheet. "What about you, Luna?"

"Me? Um ..." Luna thought. "I'm not sure."


"Arabian Nights?" Yujin said as Zander showed him the script.

"I've been offered one of the main lead roles," Zander explained as M4 looked through the script. "I'll be playing Amare. He's the hero of the story - or stories."

"Does this mean you'll be leaving?" Lex asked.

"Not at all," Zander said as he took back the script. "I'll still be in the High School, serving my second year, but I'll be away for awhile and I may not come back some days."

"But ..." Tanoshi said excitedly, "since I'm going to be starting High School, we could be roommates! How cool would that be?"

"Not cool!" Lex said. "I'm the only roommate for Zander!"

"Yeah, but I need someone to help pay rent while you and Yujin are still in middle school," Zander said.

"Paying rent," Tanoshi said with a laugh, "there's no such thing as paying rent."

"Won't you be away on your Yuki Twins tour?" Yujin asked.

"Well ... Tori and I are still thinking about it," Tanoshi replied. "But even if I do do the tour I can always be roommates with Zander the next year, right?"

"Eh, we'll see," Zander said.

"But what does this mean for M4?" Yujin asks. "Zaner, you have your acting career, and Tanoshi you might do the tour with Tori."

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