1: Roshnaq, Shimla-Mirch

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This story is incomplete and on hold indefinitely.

There are over 100 chapters but the story is incomplete.

Roshnaq Siddiqui broke out of her reverie and glanced at the clock in panic. Whew! This time she had zoned out for just a few minutes. There had been times when she had been lost in whirlpools of anxiety for hours. Her hands would soon be bruised for life if she kept fidgeting with them all day long. But she was grateful for the high blood pressure and stress diagnosis by the doctor. Waseem, her husband, hell bent on marrying their daughter Zoya to Doctor Arshad Habib, had to put his mission on hold for 3 months now. She hoped this would buy her enough time to knock some sense into her daughter. That Zoya was too disturbed and distraught to take any clear headed decision was evident to all but Waseem.

Even Arshad's mom Ameena had asked Roshnaq every now and then, even after the engagement, if Zoya was sure she had no feelings for Aditya. Ideally her question should have been was Zoya sure about her feelings for Arshad. "Did Zoya have any feelings for Arshad?", Roshnaq wondered. Sohail, Arshad's father, also seemed uneasy with the alliance but was steering clear off any confrontation with Waseem or Aditya. He valued his peace even at the cost of his son's future.

Waseem's endless praise for Zoya's clear thinking and first sensible decision of her life was getting on Roshnaq's nerves now.

Roshnaq dragged her attention back to the vegetables patiently waiting her attention. Oh No! they were mutilated beyond repair. She had been chopping away in stress. Noor will be happy as the minced veggies would end up as Pav Bhaji for the third time this week. As she tossed them into the colander she seperated the capsicum as Noor liked them half cooked.

"And above all shimla mirch bilkul aap ki tarah katna aana chahiye"

"And above all shimla mirch bilkul aap ki tarah katna aana chahiye"

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"Mujhko toh aapki reflection... aapki parchai bhi chalegi..."

PC: Apourusheya @apparition_blue

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PC: Apourusheya

What a charmer Aditya Hooda could be when he wished it. No. Even when he didn't make an effort he was adorable. If Roshnaq missed Aditya so much... If things like capsicum reminded her of Aditya how could Zoya be so unaffected by his absence in their lives.

Aditya had been a tough nut to crack. Convincing him to stay away from Zoya for a month had required all of Roshnaq's limited ability to manipulate. By luck her casual reference to Sakshi Mathur had sent him on a mission to track down his ma-in-law and draw her out of her self-imposed seclusion. Aditya's concern and affection for his "ma-in-law" was adorable. Also the way he said "ma-in-law" was so endearing.

Then there had been that scary feeling that someone was watching them. Was Waseem keeping tabs on her? Or was it just her guilt of conspiring behind Waseem's back? No. She was not conspiring. She was looking out for her daughter's long term happiness.

Roshnaq directed her thoughts back to Aditya and Zoya. The boy had been set on ruining their relation. The 2nd hospital prank had sealed his doom. Arjun, the ever discerning, had percieved the scene correctly as usual. Aditya's overconfident claims on Zoya had provoked her into exchanging rings with Arshad.

Was Roshnaq as bad as Waseem? He was ensuring Arshad spend every spare minute with Zoya. And Roshnaq was trying to keep Zoya away from everybody and Zosh or any distraction with the hope that left to idle thoughts Zoya would sort her interests better. To be more specific, rethink decision to marry Arshad... Aditya or no Aditya... There was no need to marry Arshad unless...

Roshnaq did not like this subterfuge. But unlike Noor she could not declare her preference to Aditya openly.

Bless Noor! She was openly anti-Arshad and pro-Aditya. She had used every barb from her exhaustive arsenal on Arshad. To his credit he took it sportingly. Also he looked less smitten and more sober when Noor was at home. Else Arshad in Zoyas presence was obnoxious.

Aditya's flirting was so refreshingly different from Arshad's but then Arshad had the license to woo his girl while Aditya had to downplay his overtures. But did he!!! The way Aditya claimed Zoya's attention was haq-goals. Sigh! Roshnaq was talking like the kids these days.

Brave Noor! She even kept Waseem in check. She wore her hostile attitude like an armour in Waseem's presence. Only when Noor was around, Waseem stopped singing praises of Arshad. Roshnaq took refuge in Noor's presence and suspected even Zoya was using Noor as a shield from both Arshad and Waseem.

Roshnaq's mobile buzzed. SMS from Noor read, "3rd wheel reporting from Medicare Hospital. If not arrested for murder will be home by 7pm. Expect both 💕 birds and 1 hungry angry bird for dinner"

Roshnaq smiled and blessed Noor.

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