67: 1st Morning @SA

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PC: @pluviophile_001

Zoya stirred awake. But she could not open her eyes to the glare. The bright sunlight streaming in must have disturbed her sleep. Outside the morning birds were in full chatter. The room was empty. But today she had been spared that crazy dream to which she had woken up to last many days.

Zoya was sleeping on her right side. Just as she was about to get up, she felt a weight settle down behind her on the left side of her futon. She turned to give Noor her morning bed hug.

It was rare that Noor woke up before her but Zoya's biological clock had gone for a toss these days. These days Zoya only managed a few hours of sleep in the early morning hours after tossing and turning all night long.

In a flash a hand clapped across her mouth and then she came face to face with Aditya.

Adi: Ssshhhh! Its me.

Zoya looked up at him in alarm. She was pinned down unable to move. His right hand was on her mouth and left hand was holding down her right wrist over her head.

Adi: Listen! Just quietly listen. About last night...

Then he moved slightly to be little more comfortable and keep his weight off her. She managed to ease out her left hand and tried to pull his hand off her mouth.

Adi: Hamare rishte ka tadka hamesha jhagda kyun...

He tried to read both her eyes and then both were lost to the world; her hand frozen on his. Zoya went limp. She could gaze into these eyes all day long, forever, for eternity. Aditya bent forward.

What was he doing! No! Yes! No! Wait! Was he? No! Wait! Was he about to press his lips to the back of her hand...


They were both startled. Zoya pushed him away and sat up. She looked around. She was alone. Aditya? Gone? He had disappeared in a flash!


Noor seemed to be calling from outside. The room was like a dorm with a row of windows on one side. The room was basking in pleasant cool early morning sunshine. All the curtains were drawn back. But there was no glare; no bright sunlight.


Zoya went to one of the windows immediately in front of her. Noor was screaming from the lawns below.


Noor had spotted Zoya looking out of one of the many windows.

Noor: (she shouted up) It is a beautiful morning. (And she pirouetted with her arms stretched out) If you sleep any longer you will miss it completely.

Noor looked very happy. Natural greenery and wilderness had that effect on her. Her mood was contagious. Zoya could not help smiling.

Zoya: Give me 15 minutes.

Noor: Okay! I will hold on to the morning (and she clasped both her hands under her chin) and not let it go till you come down.

Zoya smiled and drew back. She looked at the empty room and the closed door.

Had Zoya just imagined Aditya... What was wrong with her? How could she... But when she thought again... Had she dreamt all that? She was not sure... shocked... How could she...

There was that glare again. Reflected by something on to the windowpane and then into the room.

Zoya looked out of the window again. Noor was walking away to the front lawns. No glare anywhere. Nothing.

Zoya looked carefully at the wall and the ledges directly below the window. Unbelievable!

Last night Clu had banged the poor door open and then kicked it shut. She had stormed into the room in rage on full blast. Maybe. No. Surely. She and Adi had fought. First Clu lay down on her tummy with her face in the pillow; hammering both her fists into the futon. Then she suddenly got up and vaulted out of the window. The girl was crazy. All the girls had rushed to the many windows. Clu had scaled down the wall like a monkey using some footholds that Zoya could not even see in the dark and then landed like a cat on all fours and run away.

Flu had paced the floor long hoping Clu would cool off and return; finally panicking she had informed Aditya and Arjun. They started their search by exiting through the same window. They took much longer than Clu to scale down the wall. Noor wanted to follow but Zoya held her back. The 4 had returned many hours later coming back through same window; all 4 sulking. One could almost see the smouldering smoke between Adi and Clu; clearly still fighting.

Sanju would soon be one thumb less. Just as Aditya and Arjun reached the door she had found her voice. She thanked all 4 for not using the squeaking main doors. She promised to get all the door hinges on the second floor and main door oiled first thing in the morning. She requested all to exit and enter through the doors henceforth.

Aditya had paused on his way out. A moment later he came back and settled on the floor next to Sanju.

Adi: Sanju! What the heck are you sorry for? We are the idiots here. None of us had the courtesy to say sorry to you. Why are you saying sorry? I am sorry.

Adi pulled Sanju's wrist to keep her thumb away from her teeth.

Adi: And stop this! You may be a Hooda soon. Get used to all this...

And Zoya could have sworn Aditya had winked at Sanju. Sanju's face had lit up and then blushed. She seemed to be in awe of Aditya.

Adi: Get used to all this. Our home is a tamasha-kendra. We will turn your home also into one soon.

As Aditya walked out of the room he gave Arjun a pointed look.

Arjun: (robot-like) Sorry Sanju.

Flu: Zzorry Zzanju

Clu: Zzooooorry Zzanjuuuuu! My foot! I am not zzorry. (And she collapsed onto her futon, turned onto her tummy and put her face in the pillow)

On his way out, Arjun had stolen a glance at Noor. She was expressionless as if she did not care but Zoya knew she was really confused about her own feelings. The nervous thumb moving to and fro on her tee-hem gave her away.

Arjun had looked like a condemned prisoner about to be fed to the lions. Adi clearly enjoyed blood sports. He was all smiles waiting for poor Arjun at the poor abused door. Adi's smile became a huge smirk just as he slapped his palms on Arjuns shoulders from behind and pushed him out, Aditya hooked his foot on the door edge on his way out and shut the door gently for a change.

Zoya prayed that Aditya was not pulling another Mahi on Sanju.

The weekend had kicked-off with fireworks.

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