18: Roshnaq and Waseem

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PC: @bronzeflame

Roshnaq had not really heard what Ameena had said but she gave a non-committal smile.

The Habibs had invited the Siddiquis home because they had not been able to get any real quality time for one another over lunch. Waseem had heartily accepted the invite. The lunch agenda had been completely derailed by the Hoodas, Kapurs and the French.

The entire purpose of the lunch was for Zoya to get to know the Habibs better. Also so Arshad got Zoya's undivided attention so he could impress her. Waseem wanted to showcase Arshad's perfect taste and lifestyle.

Waseem was afraid that Zoya's heart and mind was still steeped deep in Yash Arora's memories which Aditya Hooda kept reviving. But he also knew Yash had never been able to afford the luxuries his Zoya deserved. He wanted Zoya to see how far refined her father's choice for her was in both aspects; suitor and his family.

But Waseem now realized that Zoya's happiness was more at risk from the live and kicking Aditya Hooda than the dead Yash Arora.

Waseem had been shocked that Aditya Hooda was still in Mumbai. He had heard that he had left town after Zoya and Arshad's engagement. He had imagined Aditya licking his wounds in some pub and maybe drowning his sorrows in liquor bottles. But instead he had returned followed by 2 "underdressed" (putting it very mildly) escorts. It went on to show that one can never be too careful.

Roshnaq looked at Waseem. He was always happy when around the Habibs but today something had dampened his cheer. He must be upset over the impending weekend trip with Hoodas. Sohail had invited himself and others to a Hooda family outing! What a strange man!

She was edgy. Her BP and Waseem's heart was under a lot of stress these days but it was all Waseem's own doing.

Waseem was a good man. His top priority had always been his family. Also as a father he only wanted the best for his daughters.

If Aditya had really been bad then Roshnaq would have also joined forces with Waseem in keeping Aditya away from Zoya. Arshad was far far better than Aditya but Aditya wasn't bad.

Roshnaq agreed that Arshad was the best. But what Waseem failed to realize was the pain Zoya would suffer to marry the best. If Zoya was fond of Aditya then she would have to first rip Aditya out of her heart to give that place to Arshad. And after suffering such heartbreak would she be capable of loving the cause. In his obsession to get her married to the best, Waseem did not see how he was tormenting his own daughter.

And he kept asking the poor girl if she was happy. She kept replying yes and with each yes Roshnaq saw Zoya sink a little more into despair and Waseem's resolve getting stronger. Zoya tried to draw some cheer from the immediate joy that would spread on Waseems' face but the minute Waseem left that reflected cheer seemed to leave her.

Roshnaq feared that Zoya's heart would never heal after breaking up with Aditya. There was something stronger than plain love here.

They were Humnawaz Humdards and Humsafars in the purest sense.

They were soul mates in the truest sense.

Adi lived and breathed for Zoya and Zoya did not admit it now but her world revolved around Aditya. He was her sun. They were like minded in spirit. Their concern for the other's wellbeing and happiness had higher priority than the rest of their life put together.

Roshnaq suspected that Zoya was marrying Arshad only to make her Abbu happy without thinking it through. She had given the girl enough hints to think of life after the Nikaah.

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