28: Adi meets Clu - Paris Diaries 2

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PC: @RiiTalks

Adi 4:00am...
Status: Immediate worries...

Adi craved for some human warmth, some unconditional affection and he knew he would find both indoors. But he wondered what Ma and Pa would say if he wished this forever. He decided to leave the speculation for another day; maybe the coming weekend or next.

He picked the kicked blanket from the floor and tucked in the shivering curled figure snoring softly. He reclined in the little space on the edge of the bed, gently running his hand through unruly soft hair.

His immediate worry was hiding his bandaged wrist from Ma for next few days. As Adi tried to sleep his brain alerted him with yet another worry.

He now dreaded the question that was sure to pop up sooner than later. How had he met Clu? And he hoped people asked him rather than Clu. Because Clu was used to blurting whatever was on top of her head at that moment. Regional and cultural sensibilities were beyond Clu. But even Adi, though a seasoned liar, was useless when it came down to relations. And he could not lie, however uncomfortable the truth, to Ma, Pa, Arjun and Zoya

It had been a moment of weakness when carnal needs took over his better senses. And he had no excuses. He was not drunk. He had not been forced or maybe had not been forced too much.

It was Friday evening. Aman was in Paris. Adi, Aman and Ethan were enjoying a walk down Champ-Elysees for a classic evening in Paris experience. But they were waylaid my Grumpy's last batch of young trainee recruits and herded to one of the cheapest shadiest pub streets for their flavor of classic evening in Paris experience.

The juniors were making tall claims of number of girls they had laid since they had moved to Paris and how they were losing their touch thanks to Grumpy's indefinite hours. Adi was nursing his drink not really listening. So when the question was popped to him, he was unprepared and rather than evading the question, he honestly answered, "None". That started an inquisition followed by discussion on sheer waste of opportunity. It was an insult to the city that Adi had been a chaste unsullied bachelor for over 4-5 months. Ethan and Aman were called upon to help Adi. Adi's self-appointed wingmen scanned the crowd and chose a target to ambush. Aman looked at Adi with concern. Ethan was amused. But each girl they chose Adi rejected. Aman relaxed. Adi seemed to be in his senses.

By some fault in the positioning of Adi's stars, at that very moment, a very drunk Clu ambled over to Ethan mistaking him for her date. Ethan brushed aside her apologies but made her an offer. If she had indeed lost her date then he knew one available for taking and presented Adi to her. "Was she willing to be Adi's date for the evening?" Before Ethan could complete his request, Clu agreed and a dazed Adi left the pub with Clu before Aman could react. The group was still reeling with shock before Aman recovered first and asked if anyone knew the girl. Aman tried to reach Adi on his cellphone but the other guys protested and snatched away Aman's cellphone. Ethan was super amused.

Clu hailed a taxi to her apartment. On the way Adi wondered what a date entailed here. When the cab stopped at a rich residence Adi guessed what was expected. Clu lived in one of the few gated communities in East Paris.

When he paid the cab Adi thought why not. As he walked up the 2-3 steps/stairs he thought why. While Clu struggled to align a huge key with the key hole, he thought definitely not. Whatever had possessed him to agree!

He was about to escape when Clu asked for help with the keys. He obliged. The door opened inwards so when Clu entered right behind him, he found himself herded inside the house and Clu kicked the door shut and locked it on reflex.

Seriously! Adi was trapped inside. He tried to leave but in his panic could not operate the lock. Clu just dragged him to her bedroom. Worried that she will fall and hurt herself he went along. Once she was safely on her bed, he turned to leave. But Clu seemed to be an expert at kicking doors shut behind her. Again in his panic Adi could not open the door.

Adi heard Clu say something. Adi was not sure if it was French or slurred English or any other tongue. He focused on opening the door. Clu said something louder. He turned to apologize and explain himself but was unable to utter another word. For a few seconds some unseen force seemed to have pinned dumb-struck Adi to the door.

The girl did not have a stitch on her. Frantic now, he turned and started juggling the knob. But the door simply would not open. He tried to relax; inhale exhale inhale... No help. He shut his eyes and repeated. No help. The girl thumped him hard on his back with the flat of her palm. He froze.

Clu: Any problem?
Adi: Door not opening
Clu: why?
Adi: I don't know
Clu: (struggling to keep at least one eye open) You do not know why you want to open the door?
Adi: Yes. No. what?

Clu: (she tried to hold back all her hair off her face and tried to squint at Adi) Whatzz your problem?
Adi: I want to leave
Clu: why?
Adi: Please can you open the door
Clu: why?

Adi juggled the door more violently. Clu moved a little away to have a better look at what she had got home. Aditya was relieved that there was some space between them and turned to explain. Mistake! Clu was standing with both her hands on her hips, staring him down through her hair and seemed to be coming to her senses. The only part of her that was covered was her face with her hair.

Clu: Whatzz your problem?
Adi: I want to leave
Clu: why?
Adi: I do not want this. I want to leave please.
Clu: why?
Adi: Sorry. Please open the door.
Clu: Why?

The girl seemed to have all evening and night at her disposal.

Adi: I am very sorry. But please... open the door.
Clu: Why?
Adi: Can you put on some clothes?
Clu: Why?
Adi: I am not comfortable. (and quickly added) Please do not ask why.

Clu opened her mouth and then shut it. She continued to stare at him. The more she stood, the less she swayed, the more she seemed to be coming to her senses. Adi's discomfort was on the rise.

And the first expected question was fired.
Clu: Are you gay?
Adi: (tired and drained now) No (oh no! he should have said yes and ended this fiasco)
Clu: (with concern) litzzzzzen mon Cher... It izz completely ok...
Adi: Please spare me the counsel. I do not need it.

That's when the alcohol in her hit the spot and Clu tipped backwards. Adi caught her hands to stop her from hitting the floor. He picked her up. She weighed little more than a child. In his desperation to put some distance between them, he almost dumped her on the bed. But he stopped and took a deep breath to relax. Big mistake! He was assaulted by some amazing heady exotic French perfume. Nevertheless he lowered her gently.

She looked less scary fast asleep. She even snored softly. She nuzzled into an absent pillow and curled like a cat and kept weakly attempting to find some sweet spot on the cold silk bedspread. Adi slipped a pillow under her head and pulled the duvet on her and tucked her in. What a creature! She was very pretty. He tucked some loose locks of hair, away from her face, behind her ears. Her hair felt like silk. She looked like an innocent child in her sleep.

Relieved, Adi smiled and went back to the door. He studied the lock carefully. Switches, locks and taps of this continent were a challenge to operate. Every home and hotel had innovative switches, locks and taps, different from others, enough to convert a luxury traveller into a hobo tramp.

Maybe he was still drunk because the door knob turned on it's own; first in slowmo then fast forward. Suddenly the door swung open on his face. Holding his nose, Adi stomped all over the place screaming, "Owwww! Owwww! Owwww!"

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