21: Connecting the Dots

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Noor and Appi kept one chit each handy. Flu had asked them to pick it out of a bowl. They had to read it just before going to sleep.

Appi: Can I see the pictures you clicked today?

Noor thought this was not a good idea. She was sure it would make Appi sad again but then maybe...

Noor: Here. Start from here.

Noor and Appi selfie in their Kerala attire...
Many pictures of the morning event...
Noor explained the ones she would use for her blog.

Medicare Hospital Entrance...
Something caught Appi's attention but Noor eagerly scrolled ahead...
Flower rangoli in main lobby...
Hooda Uncle listening to Adi talking to Chintu...
Appi's face transformed... What was she thinking...

Zoya was looking at Hooda Uncle. What was with fathers and firstborns. When he looked at Adi, his body language changed. He was no longer the cut throat lawyer. He was a doting proud father. Hooda uncle seemed to have shed several years in this picture.

Appi took her time with this picture.
Noor was observing her closely.

Appi: Noor...?

Noor: (all curious and eager) Haaan Appi?

Appi: Do you think... (hesitating) Chintu has some growth hormonal problems?

Noor looked around the room and zeroed down on the wall to the right of the window. Yes! That would be perfect. If she needed a break, she could look out of the window from time to time. This was the perfect wall to bang her head all night long.

Appi: Noor? Noor... Noor...

Noor: (startled) Haan Appi?

Appi: He is suchaa bachchaa. Too kiddish for 13 but he is so tall and so thin...

Noor: Hmmm... I will text Dr._____ and find what tests need to be done. Maybe we will have to wait till the dengue and its medicines side effects are flushed out of his system

Appi: Why Dr._____ You can ask Arshad

Noor: I don't like Arshad so I avoid him.

Appi: Sometimes you are worse than Chintu

Noor: Thank You

Appi: Today when I saw Chintu with Aditya I was thinking that both are so similar. They are both suddenly wise, all grown up and in charge, and then at times like a small child

Noor: (okay will have to make-do with indirect references of the main subject) Hmmm...

Appi: Remember! Once, before you moved to Mumbai, Aditya tried to scare me on the terrace of a venue. Bella's sangeet venue. He locked me on the terrace and I suspect then completely forgot about me.

Noor: No way!

Appi: I thought I told you this before.

Noor: (surprised) No! You did not and Aditya wouldn't do that.

Appi: Maybe he told someone to let me out later and maybe s/he forgot

Appi: (continued) Anyways weather suddenly changed and it rained very heavily. I passed out in the cold wet night. Eventually Arjun found me and hospitalized me. But Aditya I presume felt very guilty. Next day rather than interfere and mess everything he was extra resourceful at the wedding. Just like...

Noor: ChintuJi

Appi: Yes!

Noor: How can I forget those first 3 days! For 3 days that little monster made our lives miserable. I had almost decided never to volunteer for kids ever again in my life. Then he snatched your kit and when chasing him you stubbed your big toe nail and it bled very badly...

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