12: Aditya is back

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Adi and Arjun checked around the clump of bushes that Zoya had earlier been squinting at.

Arjun: Bhai the soil here is so hard, even if there had been someone hiding here, there will be no footprints or any proof to confirm this. And 2-3 people could easily hide here. These bushes are quite tall, wide and with too many close branches and too much space behind. Good corner to hide and watch action at the main doors but someone at the door cannot spot someone hiding here. Unless... (Arjun scanned up the building side) No chance! All windows have AC machines blocking the view (scanned the opposite side) I give up... I have run out of ideas...

Adi: Hmmmm...

Arjun: If Detective Ghaffur was here he would have felt the ground with his palm... for difference in level/heat... or smelt something in the air... He is a regular Sherlock Holmes.

Adi: Oh, Is he? (casually) He couldn't trace me in Europe.

Arjun: For that - Dad was actually proud of you but Dad's timing for praising you was off. Mom blasted both Dad and Detective Ghaffur thanks to you.

Adi: Oops! Sorry! Why did Ma spare you? Weren't you singing my praises?

Arjun: Cause I am smart. I know when to keep my mouth shut and look sad and sorry. And Bhai! Me! Sing your praises!

Adi: I should have got some wine and perfume from Paris for Detective Ghaffur to compensate for the trouble I caused him. But thanks to you and Zoya - I just came.

Arjun: Thanks to me and Zoya - You came. Period!

Adi: Wait! What is that black round plastic disc there? Behind your foot! Don't move else you will step on it.

Arjun: (picking it up) It is a lens cap/lid. Famous brand ____. Was someone stalking Zoya? Taking pictures?

That worried Adi like crazy. Why was someone stalking Zoya? He looked around now at the windows around the place.

Adi: Look at that CCTV there. Same brand ____. Looks new. Lens cap could have fallen off during installation and rolled away, knocked on these roots and rolled there and stopped here. What do you think, my dear Watson?

Arjun: I think it is time for us to stop playing Hardy Boys and to call in the experts

Arjun took pictures of the CCTV camera and the lens cap and forwarded both pictures to Hooda and Son's favorite detective.

Arjun: I have sent it to Detective Ghaffur and asked him to call back. Shall we also ask him to check CCTV footage from CCTVs around this place? Say 1 hour before now? So that will be roughly 8:30am onwards?

Adi: Also 1-2 hour after also. No. Rest of day. Just in case someone comes looking for lens-cap. I know a stalker will not risk being seen again at an identified spot that too for a cheap lens-cap but you never know your luck.

Arjun: Good idea. (pockets the lens lid) Now let's go. People will be waiting for us at the new hospital wing. And Ma is fuming. I can see smoke in the car.

Adi laughed at Arjun's joke and thumped his back as they walked back and Arjun pushed him away and raced Adi to the car. They saw Pa getting into the car smiling at their antics.

Adi: (as they slowed down near the car) Pa was so worried for Zoya. He was always polite to her. But today was something else. He was scared for her as if... as if...

Arjun: As if one of his own was in danger? (shrugging his shoulders) No Idea! But we need to hurry. Best not to upset Mom and Dad.


On their way, Pa shared his theory.

Pa: I think a chain or purse snatcher was in wait of Zoya. She seemed dressed for a wedding. Women tend to have their jewelry on themselves or in their purse

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