4: Arjun - If only Bhai...

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PC: @RiiTalks

Arjun walked to his car lost in thoughts. The last few days had been a series of unfortunate events. It was unbelievable that in a matter of a few days their worlds had turned upside down.

If only Noor had not spiked Zoya's drink.

If only Bhai had dropped tipsy Zoya at Mona's or Akanksha's place.

If only Bhai had exited through Zoya's bedroom window rather than the door.

If only Waseem Uncle had not caught Bhai.

If only Waseem Uncle had not fast-tracked Zoya's match making.

If only Arshad had not been perfect.

If only Bhai had not made the prank call to Arshad.

If only there had been no riots.

If only Arshad had not been attacked.

If only Mom had not used Victor's cellphone.

If only Mom had not dialed Arshad's number.

If only the Janmashtami festivities had not been sabotaged.

If only life had been kinder on Bhai.

Why did Bhai get such a raw deal in life?

Arjun tried Noor's number again, gave up and drove home.

All these years Arjun had simply loved Bhai because he was his Bhai. He looked up to Bhai despite his failings. And Bhai had been good fun to grow up with. Bhai had been a dependable part of his childhood.

It was only 6 months ago, Arjun had truly appreciated what Bhai had done for him. Bhai had shielded him from everything unpleasant at home, school and junior college. They were Arjun's most vulnerable years.

How had he never known that his Dad had cheated on his Mom? Not a whiff had reached his ears. 6 months and he was still coming to terms with this fact. As an adult he could accept this better than Bhai may have at 16. Now he understood all those brawls Bhai got into which everyone had dismissed as teen angst. Every year there were a few. Their inner circle of friends each year got smaller. The select few who were fiercely loyal remained. A specific few were outcast. How had Bhai shielded him from every toxic gossip?

He was aware that occasionally Mom brought the roof down. Now he understood the sudden extension of play hours and after fifteen the random night outs. The deafening sound decibels at which Bhai played music/games to drown the noise of the world outside where maybe Mom and Dad's fights were rising in volume. Dad had on occasion pulled the plug in exasperation.

Bhai had not just protected him but when required also goaded him to fight back. Bullies in school usually gave the Hooda boys a wide berth. Both brothers were fitness freaks and loved kick boxing. Arjun was more disciplined. Maybe dragging Bhai back to the gym schedule would be therapeutic. For both of them.

Dad considered Bhai a wastrel who had squandered his sharp brains in drink and brawls. Dad always felt Bhai could have easily been a phenomenal lawyer. Dad's inner circle believed that Bhai knew the routine lawyer gig when he was just 16 simply listening to the discussions his Dad had with his peers. All that remained was some formal education in law.

Arjun thought that this was ridiculous because Bhai was barely out of school at 16. In his early years Bhai had been Dad's shadow trailing behind him wherever a child was allowed. Arjun had faint memories of tagging along with Bhai. During vacations if mom did not keep them entertained enough they ended up at Dad's law firm. Sometimes they would go there directly after school. They had the run of the place. All Dad's employees, clients and contemporaries had doted on them. Then overnight Bhai became a sports freak. He told Arjun that cricket, football and boxing were more fun. They stopped going to Dad's work place.

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