100: 9 8 7...

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The residents of Sanju’s Adda and friends had regrouped at the Resort's elite classy 9-Iron Club.

They were early and had the place to themselves; except for the staff preparing for the latter late evening rush hours.

It was a sprawling space, with many rich vintage tables and comfy chairs, arranged in a cozy fashion on deep thick wall-to-wall carpeted floor. No matter how the members grouped; in 2s or 3s or 5s or any other number less than 13; there was a perfect seating arrangement waiting for them.

The place had an old world charm surely blended with modern amenities, though the latter was not evident. However the perfect room temperature everywhere and clean fresh air meant (ironically) hi-tech concealed air-conditioning, air-purifiers and air-fresheners.

Instrumental music primarily piano to the accompaniment of the quiet clatter and clinks of spoons china and crystal being delicately arranged in their drawers, with intermittent hiss of steam released from the espresso machines; rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with an occasional hint of brewing assortment of herbs spices tea and citrus set the mood, calmed the mind...

They even had open quaint rooms of many sizes; again primarily furnished with old world tables and chairs.

In the cozy reading room, Noor chanced upon Anjana Aunty lost in a stack of Interiors and Fashion magazines while Hooda Uncle quietly put away, out of sight, every Fitness especially Nutrition&Diet and Workout magazines he could lay his hands on. He looked frantic when Noor caught him in the act but she only pointed to the few he had missed and with a thumbs-up sign backed out of the room.

Noor walked to the other end of the long corridor, passing many doors both on the left and right. The doors on the left opened into the single sprawling main room and the doors on the right to the many smaller quaint rooms. The wallpaper was charming and made the corridor appear longer.

The corridor ended in huge heavy glass doors that opened onto a large beautiful bare balcony which may be had a fantastic view to the Golf Course but now all she could see was garden lamps glowing along the few long criss-crossing walking paths; rest was a vast pitch dark nothing till the illuminated hotel in the distance on opposite side.

Balconies are romantic places. Heroines in classics and fairy tales had been wooed in balcony serenades: Juliet, Rapunzel, Princess Jasmine... Noor felt like Princess Jasmine all alone on her balcony. She walked along the oval balustrade, hands locked behind her, looking over the edge but there was no Prince Ali waiting for her on a magic carpet. Noor gave him another ten minutes, then turned her back on the nonexistent Prince Ali and stood at the centre of the balcony.

Noor felt ready to face other humans again. She took in a deep breath; practiced her smile; twirled and waltzed with an imaginary partner for good measure. And... She felt better.

She brushed aside the Ragz reprimand. If he didn't want people to know what he was up to then he should have been careful. His problem, not hers!

She forgave Appi her London secret. Appi was dealing with enough. She would spare Appi her tantrums. Better to make most of the last 3 months together. She decided to find if Appi was back. Appi would love this large open balcony.

On her way back Noor saw a smitten Hooda Uncle study Anjana Aunty as she perused the magazines; making notes and clicking pictures of the magazine pages on her cellphone. Noor wondered if her wardrobe was getting a makeover or Hooda House.

Back in the main room, she thought... Members only Club! But they were not members; they were far more privileged, friends of the owners. Noor hugged herself and sighed; she could get used to this lifestyle. She tried to remember why she fought with Arjun. Speak of the devil! Devils! Aditya and Arjun were not doing Rishi any proud.

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