59: Adi drops Noor

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Adi was sitting on the window ledge in the girls room looking at the road; worrying for Arjun.

Adi convinced himself that this anxiety had nothing to do with Zoya being in that SUV. And it definitely had nothing to do with Arshad.

It had been many months since Arjun had driven at night on a long distance road. Adi had found the last leg a challenge in evening light. He hoped Arjun was better rested and more alert than he had been.

Adi was hiding in the girls room from Mr. Kapur. The man had been  trying to corner him all evening. He still had no plan on how to refuse the alliance diplomatically.

Adi had promised Sanju he would sort it out but had no clue how. To take the pressure off Sanju and Arjun he had given the impression to both parents that he was seriously considering a new innings with Sanju. He needed few days to be 100% sure.

Sanju's new concern was that the next suitable boy may not be as chivalrous, considerate and obliging as the Hooda boys to her career cause.

But this Sanju complications had its uses. He smiled remembering his morning ride with Noor.

Noor first had a free morning then she said she wanted to reach work early. She had asked for a ride and then few minutes later she wanted to take a cab. Adi had guessed what she was up to. One scheming mind could smell another's plans; devious or harmless.

Noor had frantically kept him away from Miss B___. Did she think he was a desperate flirt? Noor was worrying about every unattached woman Adi met. The lady who should have been affected was least concerned. Sigh!

Adi and Noor were almost at her office when Adi remembered his manners. He had been so tired that he had not said a word to Noor after the no-taxi quarrel. And what was wrong with her? Why was she so quiet?

 And what was wrong with her? Why was she so quiet?

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Adi: (casually) You like your new job?

Noor: It is okay.

Adi snapped out of his stupor. The sad lukewarm response was not from the Noor he knew. Last time he had praised one of her Zosh blogs she had chewed his ears off with details on how much she enjoyed her work. Adi was worried and now alert.

Adi: What do you do?

Noor: Executive assistant.

Adi: Is it truly executive or fancy name for office boy... in your case girl?

Noor: Mix. (Blurted out before she could stop) More office peon

Adi noted the undertone of frustration and sneaked a glance but she was looking out of the side window. But her fretting fidgeting fingers gave her away. She endlessly wound and unwound and wound the tassel on her jhola sling bag and her other hand was doing the same with her curls. And her feet were tapping with nervous energy.

Adi had inherited all his Pa's keen powers of kinesics. They were 2-3 minutes from their destination. Adi needed more time. He took a wrong turn. Noor did not even realize that he had doubled back and added another 10-15 minutes to the ride. This worried Adi some more.

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