99: TV pe Breaking News...

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Tee Box or Hazards or 9-Iron Club…

They were wondering where to go when Rishi waved out to catch their eye.

Rishi: Hey guys! In here! Quick! Now!

Rishi rushed them into his office. It was huge but some of their afternoon Turtle-Quest friends were already there crowding the space. Clu got separated as they squeezed their way to a less crowded far corner and no one missed her in the chaos.

Everyone was staring at a huge TV screen on mute.

They were watching an ad on that weird news channel where the anchor kept screaming in hyper-excitement, the footage was always bad quality blurred and some insignificant something would be made the focus with a thick red circle and leaving nothing to chance an arrow would keep pointing to the circle.

Someone unmuted the sound, startling Noor with the high volume.

OMG! It was their turtle temple tank/lake! OMG! It was them somewhere in that crowd all blurred! The red circle was on the pervert's broken hand! Noor was proud of Clu. Wow! That man would not lay that lecherous hand on another girl for life. OMG! OMG! They were on national television. Blurred out but on national TV...

The news anchor was… no surprises on this one... screaming... in a tone of shocking discovery...

Bhakt ne chedda mandir ke kachue ko!

Followed by a toned down conclusion

Kachue ne diya jabbaddast jawaab!

Everyone burst out laughing. Oh no! Appi was missing all the fun. Sanju quickly translated for Flu.

Sanju: (shouted) A devotee troubled a turtle and the turtle gave back a fitting reply! And some pun with jaw so...

Adi: (screamed over the noise) Rishi! What did we miss?

Rishi: (screamed back) Nothing. It's the same 2-3 minutes footage followed by an out of this world intelligence of an analysis... on loop for last 1 hour.

Adi: (screamed) Out of the world what!

Rishi: (screamed pointing to the TV) Here it comes...

Half the screen was occupied by the two captions in thick red horizontal boxes: one along the top of the screen and other at the bottom. The rest of the screen showed a still shot of the temple in its former glory on a yellowing faded photograph. For a minute or two a voice-over described the ancient temple, its location and lore.

Then the anchor filled whatever screen was  left over as ticker news flashed by in an additional thick horizontal blue box. The anchor hyperventilated that the turtles in the temple tank were placid calm holy creatures. A close-up picture of Noor's beady eyed friend appeared on a large screen behind the anchor for a moment immediately followed by the blurred footage of the pervert holding his hand on loop.

How did the holy turtles get so violent? So the theory was that a mythical turtle had come to their rescue when the vile violent man repeatedly troubled one of them.

No one heard the rest of the theory as everyone in that room burst into another roar of laughter…

Adi: (screamed) And the mythical turtle came in human avatar called... ta-da…. Drumroll! CLU! Where is she!

Arjun: Clu is Oppressed turtle or Mythical turtle?

Adi: Clu oppressed is unimaginable so Mythical she is! But…Where is she!

Where was Clu! Noor spotted her in another far corner; all by herself with a nobody-loves-me expression. Noor squeezed her way to the girl.

Noor: (screamed into Clu's ears) What happened?

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