22: Zoya feels his presence everywhere

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Zoya had been overwhelmed by Aditya's presence today.

Except for the little interaction at the fiasco outside Zosh and a few minutes at the hospital they hadn't spoken at all. Yet she had been aware of his gaze on her all the time. Or was it wishful thinking! Her imagination! Every time she had checked he was preoccupied with something else.

When he had been unaware of her scrutiny, when his guard was down, she had missed little... His concern for her outside Zosh office... His long look at her injured ring finger still in a bandage... The way his jaw had clenched and his fist had crushed his own... It took all her control to stop herself from rushing to his side and undoing his fist... His encouraging flippant trademark "go-for-it" head jab when she had fumbled finding the right words for the interns... He had stood behind her when she replied to different questions from the new staff... His pride in her contribution to the new ward... His elated smile when Pa had blessed her...

But some... she was not sure... He liked her in a saree... But had he noticed?

She had caught him looking at Noor fondly. She couldn't wait for the day when Arjun would confide in him about Noor. She wanted to be there to witness his happiness. She was sure despite all the troubles that would follow the announcement Aditya would be on cloud nine for the adorable couple.

She felt a hundred bubbles of joy bursting within her imagining how Aditya and Uncle would pamper and tease Arjun and Noor. If anyone deserved her Kohinoor it was the Hooda family.

And Aditya would surely protect Noor from Anjana Aunty's jibes. Anjana Aunty hated upstart Noor more than Zoya. Zoya should enroll Noor in some Anger Management workshops to keep her temper in control; maybe some yoga courses as well for good measure.

She had consciously stayed by Arshad all the time at the hospital because she was afraid by habit she would find herself on Aditya's arm like good old days. She was so accustomed to zeroing in on him.

Later the lunch had been stressful under Abbu and Ameena Aunty's scrutiny. She had been more comfortable in the morning with the Hoodas than in the afternoon with her own parents and would-be in-laws. She held this thought; stayed with it for a moment. Some inner voice screamed, "This is important. Listen! Feel!"

Zoya had initially been terrified that she may let down her guard and behave just like good old times with Aditya. But Aditya had been in a dark mood and there was little danger of guffawing around him. But she had almost reached out for his hand when Clu had been merciless with her stories.

Though they were eating at a famous classy restaurant at a star hotel Zoya had expected lunch to be a lame fare for a vegetarian.

She had been a pure vegetarian for five years now because the Aroras were vegetarian. It had made no difference to Yash as he himself was not a strict vegetarian. But she had reckoned it might be a point of contention with MummyJi.

Zoya had requested Ammi not to cook non-veg food in Aroras flat though MummyJi was not staying with them. Zoya owned the house on paper but in spirit she felt the house belonged to MummyJi and she respected her beliefs. Zoya still held on to the hope that someday she will bring her back.

Noor had last month invited Zoya officially (post a selfie on fb, insta, tweet, ...) back to good old times of kababs and kheemas. Zoya declined the offer. The truth was the reverse journey was more difficult. She knew it was just a matter of mind over matter. But some mental block held her back...

She was happy vegetarian but she hated being the fusspot at the dinner table demanding a different meal at times unavailable.

When Aditya had taken her for a kheema pav treat she had made up her mind to reinstate meat into her diet. In case she "chickened" out she didn't mind the fuss with Aditya. She was okay if he teased her about it. And she was sure he would put up with whatever-however offensive her reaction would be.

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