Fair Warning: i am sorry

922 15 17

6 Oct 2019

Sorry for the long gaps in the updates. I am writing a little now and then in spurts. And putting them together whenever time permits.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for still reading.

The unpredictability of my updates continue...

Sorry again...


Due to a medical emergency in my family my leisure hours have disappeared.

I do not know when I will put an update next. Sorry

Yours truly


I am really really sorry for adding so many storyparts and nonAdiYa matter.

But I am really not in control of this story any more.

I remember someone asking me how many more parts. And I had replied 10-15 way back in Feb-Mar.

Now I simply don't know.

Maybe this has become like those never ending ITV shows that just go on and on forever...

I am not going to stop writing because I cannot help myself anymore.

This is therapy for me. This story is like my friend I come to with my mental baggage. And I enjoy all the comments and DM duscussions.

I am also unable to write future portions without getting current matter out of my head.

But if you stop reading and voting. I completely understand.

Sincere Apologies
Yours truly



I will update again after 1/Aug/2019 or later


Second Chance (Vol.1) SquanderedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora