17: Paris secrets unleashed

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Noor found Clu, Flu and Sanju cool fun. Each girl found something enticing and intriguing about the other. Clu and Appi had taken to each other. Flu was in awe of Appi as if Appi was some diva. Noor was very impressed by Sanju's career in Sustainability Engineering. All 5 girls bonded quickly.

But the guys were in the dumps. Arjun and Aditya still looked upset. Arshad looked despondent having lost Appi to the girl gang.

The guys and girls had no idea how the seniors were managing and did they care!

Noor could not believe she had been dreading boredom an hour ago. Clu was entertaining. Her energy was catching. She was a typical heart and soul of party person. She had a highly animated way of sharing experiences. After awhile one got accustomed to her accent. Noor loved it now. It gave Clu that firang appeal.

Clu regaled them with incidents involving Aditya from their Paris days. Aditya first made attempts to stop and distract Clu but only succeeded in inciting her. With each story, Aditya withdrew further into a dark mood and slid deeper into his chair. After a point, his jaw clenched, he just sat there withdrawn seething unspeaking. If Clu noticed, it did not stop her.

That these stories had a funny side to them depended on one's outlook but that they were wild was undeniable. Most involved drinking and partying and dares and brawls and passing out on streets and waking up in strange places. Aditya kept throwing distraught looks at Appi.

One of Clu's story stood out with a different hue. It happened some 1-2 months ago. She had just enjoyed a fantabulous meal in an Indian Restaurant. It was colourful, yummy and the presentation was food-art. So she posed questions as a journalist and demanded an introduction to the creator. And who did the kitchen produce as sous-chef! Albeit, an extremely reluctant limelight-aversive illegal sous-chef! Any guesses? Drumroll!!! Aditya Hooda!

Clu had been shocked. And she had barely recovered when she noticed that her date too knew Aditya. He asked Aditya, "Arent you a SaR volunteer? Hey! This guy saved my life once! Hey man! Where you been! You didn't even wait for me to say a proper thank you." And then they all raised a toast to Aditya. Her friend had almost lost his life in a trek gone all wrong and Aditya was part of the Search and Rescue Mission. He volunteered in helicopter rescues. And his exploits with the helicopter made heroic tales worthy to be passed down many generations.

The sous-chef job was low-key discreet because he did not have the required work-permit. Clu divulged the last part in a conspiratorial stage whisper and a shady side look as if the French police were dining on the next table.

Clu's story gave some idea about what everyone was curious about but hadn't got around to asking yet. What Aditya did for a living in Paris? The timing she chose for confiding this story was perfect. Some had gone to place their choices at the buffet counter and some to check the dessert counter and others had gone on a stroll admiring the ambience. Only 3 people got to hear the story; 3 people who mattered; Arjun, Appi and Noor. Maybe Clu wasn't as clueless as she made them believe.

Aditya seemed to know most of the staff and regulars at _____. He kept raising his hand or nodding, acknowledging, some known face or other every few minutes. His recommendations in food and drink were excellent. Service at their table was especially prompt and they got special attention.

Arshad: You are a star here. Everyone treats you like some celebrity.

Adi: I used to be good business and entertainment for them 6 months ago. Bar bills and tips can be quiet staggering. And sometimes people bond over broken crystal, blood, first-aid, etc. Also a drunk-man's tragedy in poetry and pie-eyed philosophy is lit.

Aditya's mood was dark and he had given up looking at Appi.

Arshad: Why does she call you Paddy?

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