5: Zoya knows

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PC: Apourusheya

Noor's cellphone buzzed again. She was still in the bath, rinsing away imaginary worms. Noor had forced Zoya to take a shower first.

Noor had declared, "Please. I do not want to sleep with a worm infested sister and have nightmares. Eeeeeks! Do not sit anywhere. Drop your accessories in that basket by the window. Just pick your change of clothes and march to your bath now as in (with eyes shut tight she screamed) NOW"

That was over half an hour ago. Noor's cellphone had buzzed every few seconds while Zoya was bathing. Poor Arjun.

Zoya found everything about Noor endearing. Her friends used to find their younger sisters annoying and the younger sisters used to find their elder siblings bossy. Not Noor and Zoya. They found everything the other did adorable. They had their differences and Noor did sulk often. But despite all differences they stood by each other.

Except these days Noor was very upset with Zoya. Noor despised Arshad for no fault of his. But Noor also had a better gauge of people than Zoya. She had seen through Mahi's pretences while Zoya had trusted Mahi. Noor had declared that Arshad and Zoya had no compatibility. She had wanted to say more but Zoya had stopped her then and now maybe Ammi had warned Noor to leave Zoya alone.

Noor's cellphone buzzed again. Arjun was getting really desperate. Zoya regretted being the cause of Arjun and Noor's rift but it could not be helped. She promised herself that she will set things right eventually. Zoya glanced at Noor's phone just as an alert appeared and disappeared. Aditya Hooda! Why was Aditya buzzing Noor?

Zoya hated herself for doing this but she unlocked Noor's cellphone and checked the messages. Yes. Arjun had been calling and texting Noor but Aditya had been texting like crazy. She checked the thread it just went on and on and on and also had pictures.

Zoya was furious. Was Aditya using Noor like a human CCTV on her! He was using her sister to spy on her! And was Noor obliging! Zoya knew Noor was fond of Aditya but would she steep so low on her.

Zoya was fuming. Angry tears filled her eyes. She calmed herself and scrolled some more. There was way too much text and too little time. Noor may step out of the bath any moment now. So she just stopped at one point, wiped-away the fresh batch of tears and started reading.

Ty for finding Appi
Abbu tried 2-3 times
But come back without finding Appi
Got really worried

Not experienced a deluge of this scale in all r life

I was trying to thank u

Next time do not wait till a crisis b4 calling either me or Arjun

Yes sir

Zoya noticed that the next SMS was many hours later. Maybe after Zoya had shared with Noor (when their parents were not around) that she almost suffocated to death in the locked car.

How did u get Appi out of the car?

Yes. Zoya had also wondered but had not got an opportunity to ask.

There was another SMS on same day timed some hours later.

How did u hurt ur elbow?

Zoya did not remember telling Noor about Aditya's injured elbow. More likely, Arjun must have told Noor.

It looked like Adi did not always respond to Noor's inquisitions.

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