44: Siddiqui Seniors

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Roshnaq woke up with a start. 

The driver had just announced that their destination was close and they must not miss the view and Ameena had gently shaken her awake.

The journey had started in praise of Arshad and moved on to what a perfect couple Arshad and Zoya were. And then Roshnaq had genuinely nodded off. She had slept badly last many nights and was lulled to sleep by the monotony of the humming engine in sync with the rocking motion of the car in perfect accompaniment to Waseem's droning commendations. She had managed the breaks sportingly but had dozed off the minute she was back in the vehicle.

Roshnaq was glad Ameena woke her. What she saw was unbelievably amazing. That there could be stretch upon stretch of undulating mossy green landscapes just 4-5 hours drive from a bustling polluted city was a surprise. After months in the grey grimy city, the surrounding semi-wilderness was a sight for sore eyes. If Waseem had not repeatedly instructed the driver to drive carefully they may have reached earlier. They had started much before noon and it was now well past 5pm.

They stopped at a small City Centre like setup because the network signal strength was suddenly good. Waseem informed her that he had been desperately trying to call Arshad and Zoya for over an hour or two with no success.

Waseem finally contacted the girls and confirmed that they were coming with Arshad as planned. But they would start a little after 6pm and not 4pm. He had asked them to call him the minute they started from Mumbai.

They finally spotted the first signboard to Sanju's Adda. The property behind was beautiful and massive; so massive that they needed another 15 minutes to just reach the first cottage.

They received a warm welcome. The Kapurs were genuinely happy to host the weekend. After refreshments, Sohail and Shyaam resumed their university days recaps.

Sanju drove with the rest of them further down to a nearby quaint cottage. On the first floor there were 2 decent-sized bedrooms opening onto a large roofed common terrace. On the lower level, there was a small common room and kitchenette with a well-stocked refrigerator. There was a car park for 2 cars below the terrace. The cottage was tiny yet perfectly designed for 2 couples.

Sanju was showing them remarkable spots in the view all around the cottage. There were no Mobile Network Towers around their property. The signal strength was weak at the Golf Course next door and very good at the HUB, a City Centre like space they must have driven past on the way. They were free to use the two landlines in the main cottage. Then she showed them how to use the extension to contact the main cottage.

Sanju's Adda would be marketed primarily as an Internet detox holiday besides other back-to-our-roots campaign ideas. The girl looked excited as well as nervous. The 3 elders wished her luck.

Before leaving, she asked them to come over as soon as they had rested. Roshnaq and Ameena watched the happy girl skip down a paved trail back to the main cottage; running a little; walking a little; losing herself to the nature around her a little; admiring her project a little. Then she palmed her forehead and hurried back.

Sanju told them that the others were on the way. Both cars had been delayed. Sanju had called Noor and Adi from the landline.

Noor said they were delayed as Arshad was attending an emergency at the hospital. Roshnaq was relieved that the girls had not caused the delay. If Arshad was the cause Waseem could not complain.

The Hoodas had been delayed en route. Waseem commented that some people had no respect for time or commitment. Sanju waved that aside saying it was a holiday; strict schedules are for working days. She was sure Clu and Flu must be stopping wherever they spotted something different to their geography/lifestyle and hence the delay. With that she hurried back across the gardens to the main cottage; on full run this time.

Those sweet French girls and what excited them! Cows, traffic... Roshnaq had been looking forward to meeting the younger girl and thanking her. Her note had calmed Roshnaq's troubled heart. It had done wonders to her BP.

Roshnaq had completely forgotten about the note and noticed it only when packing her emergency medicines in her purse this morning. First she could not believe what she read. But it was the perfect answer to what had been troubling her these last few days. In fact the last few words were the universal answer to most questions in life.

On the path of love we are neither masters nor the owners of lives. We are only a brush in the hand of the master painter.

Waseem remembered the short girl with that funny name Flea and her note. He and Roshnaq had been just checking on Arshad and Zoya after lunch the previous day. The girls were playing some fortune game and had insisted Arshad, Uncle and Aunty also pick a chit.

Waseem was sitting alone in one of the garden chairs. The 2 ladies had gone out for a short walk to exercise their travel-numb feet. He took out his wallet and looked for the forgotten tiny folded grey chit. The colour drained off his face as he read it. His face paled to a grey matching the chit he was reading. After all the guilty are always afraid!

Truth can walk naked, but a lie, always needs to be dressed.

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