8: Aditya scarred at 16 - Anjana and Harshwardhan Hooda

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Harsh mixed his drink lost in thought.

He recollected Anjana's numerous tirades when she had claimed she had caught him red-handed philandering. She had distrusted him even before they were married. He had always been able to calm her down and convince her otherwise except on 3 occassions; twice with Pallavi and once with Rujuta. And Anjana had gone ballistic when she had caught Harsh with Rujuta.

Pallavi, Rujuta and Anjana meant the world to him. But what had he been thinking! That he could carry on with Pallavi and Rujuta without Anjana suspecting foul play. He knew he had handled all 3 situations badly but the odds had been against him. Every effort to set things right after had failed.

The day Harshwardhan Hooda won the prestigious _____ V/s ____ case.

The day he pushed Anjana's madness to the next level

The day he scarred Adi for life

The day he ruined Adi's future

The day his family his world fell apart

The day after which nobody really loved him

He still remembered the day vividly. He had no idea that Anjana had got some detective to spy on him. That day too Harsh had told Anjana he had some files to collect from the office. But the difference had been, "There were no files to collect". He had lied.

Harsh had been at court all day. He had had no chance to catch up with Rujuta so he called her to his office later in the evening. That was half-way for both.

Adi and Arjun insisted on accompanying him. Adi wanted to check out a batch of latest magazines that had arrived at the office. Adi was 16 and Arjun 12. Harsh did not want Adi or Arjun to see Rujuta so he asked them to read their books/magazines in the common library area. He told them that he was having an important meeting in his cabin and not to disturb him.

Rujuta had already come in discreetly and had been waiting for him in the cabin. About 15 minutes later Anjana had burst in and created a scene, almost strangled Rujuta but then came to her senses and left with the 2 bewildered boys. Harsh checked if Rujuta was okay, apologized to her, dropped her at a safe house and rushed home.

Luckily it was after office hours. Very few people witnessed the entire episode.

Back home Anjana was in a violent rage. She had been crying and shouting for over half an hour and was in a state. As soon as he entered the room she had thrown photograph after photograph at his face proving Harsh's past and present affairs. And she kept screaming, "Your sons were in the adjoining room Harsh. Your sons!"

Over the phone he had called ahead and instructed the staff to keep the boys safe and away from Anjana. Despite this, Adi had forced himself into the room worried for his Ma who was now screaming like a banshee. Adi was used to Ma and Pa sparring words. But today was different.

Harsh had immediately pushed him out but not before Adi had seen some of the photographs that were all over the floor and the frenzy his mother was in and what she was screaming.

Harsh then locked him and Arjun in the guestroom with a trusted old staff to take care of them. Adi had kept Arjun distracted with some loud video-games with headphones on full blast. Bless the boy's presence of mind but the suppressed rage with which he glared at him froze his heart.

Harsh had to call in the family doctor and Anjana's mother to look after Anjana. Anjana had taken to whimpering in a corner now. While waiting for help, he had gathered the photographs and double checked that he hadn't missed any, frantically looking under every piece of furniture.

As soon as Anjana's mother came home she took charge. He had given her a watered down version of what had happened. He went to the guestroom where he had locked Adi and Arjun but it was empty. Rest of the staff did not know where they had gone.

Adi and Arjun did not return for a long time and Harsh had a late night Delhi flight to catch. Meanwhile the doctor had calmed Anjana down with strong sedatives and left a nurse to care for Anjana. Leaving his mother-in-law in charge he left for Delhi checking on Rujuta before he left.

Harsh had to be in Delhi for few days on a high-profile case. He remembered counting everyday knowing each passing day made things worse back home. Anjana's mother had calmed Anjana down but Adi had withdrawn into a shell. He was communicating only with Arjun. He could not bear to look at the state his mom was in.

After Harsh came back Anjana confronted him with more proof that he had been with Rujuta for the last few days. Harsh had cajoled and coaxed Anjana and convinced her it wasn't true. Anjana's philosophy had been, "Forgive but do not Forget."

But this time there was a new factor. Adi. Adi neither forgave nor forgot. His angst was a constant reminder of the debacle. So Anjana also could not forgive Harsh totally as she had in the past.

Adi simply stopped talking with him. All his explanations fell on deaf ears. Adi was also not of the age that Harsh could force him to do anything against his wishes. Adi stopped calling him Pa. Pa became "Mr. Hooda" overnight. Adi avoided crossing paths with Harsh. Adi and Arjun's visits to the office stopped. Adi and Arjun ate at odd times to avoid sitting at the dining table with him.

Adi also had a huge fight with Anjana. He wanted Anjana to leave Harsh and live with their Nani. Anjana refused. She could not live without Harsh. A disgusted Adi would have left home but Harsh knew he stayed back only for Arjun.

Ma became "Mrs Hooda", Fake-Ma, "Mother India" and various versions of Ma and sometimes simply Ma. But Pa was never Pa again. He was "Mr. Hooda" without exception. And the words "Mr Hooda" were spat out with loathing and venom. Adi never let his guard slip. But Harsh was ever grateful that Adi kept Arjun immune of all that had transpired and its effects.

Harsh vented out all his fury on the detective and the photo-studio involved. The detective's license was revoked. The photo-studio burnt in the next riots that took place. Both the guys involved spent weeks hiding in terror and were finally killed in an encounter during a police raid.

Harsh did not feel it retribution enough. But legally there was only so much he could do. He directed all his wrath into other channels with an energy that amazed and blazed. He became a name to reckon with, counted amongst the top formidable criminal lawyers.

As Harsh finished his drink and poured another he thought about the effect the old-office-cabin had on Anjana. The office-cabin was where Anjana's worst fear had turned real for her. Yet that one bitter memory had not destroyed the hundreds of better memories that the space held.

Strange were the ways Anjana's brain functioned. It had a convenient memory retaining what it liked and ignoring what it didn't' and always thinking what it wanted to think.

Harsh gazed into his glass as he swirled his drink and memories seemed to swirl in it like that in a pensieve.

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