96: Badla, The revenge...

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The girls looked recharged after a wash and in fresh clothes.

Clu had made her hair differently; all over her left side face. Just then the breeze blew her hair aside. Adi and Zoya gasped. Clu's bruises were almost purple-black now. Noor hit her forehead.

Noor: I completely forgot to tell you guys about what happened to Clu and Flu!

Arjun: (defensive) I didn't get a chance with Dad around.

Adi was alarmed. Clu brushed aside his concern and slapped away his hand lifting her hair off her bruises. Adi looked at Flu and noted her dazzling smile was really weak and forced. Adi collected them both in a soft hug.

Adi: (guilt ridden) I am so sorry. I was lost in my own…

Clu: (frustrated) I lozzt both the creepzz…

Adi looked at Sanju all concerned.

Sanju: (overwhelmed he cared at all) I am fine. Nothing happened to me. Thank you.

Then they all exchanged their stories.

Clu had wanted to go to the local police. But unfortunately (for Raghav), Raghav had ticked her off with "Police stations are not tourist destinations" knowing she was less concerned with reporting crime and more kicked by the novelty. And what crime to report was also not clear

There were a group of people in the town behind the temple who were an aggressive sensitive hot blooded lot who used any matter big or small for political mileage. And the police were hand-in-glove with them.

Raghav had reached out to his local friends to be on the lookout for any retaliation being mobilized on Rishi's properties. But they concluded that neither the black hoodie guy or the pervert who had groped Clu was a local; more likely some visiting city dwellers. But some local elders had blamed their group for the ruckus created in their temple premises. Some peace talks and negotiation was in progress.

Raghav Clu Flu had spent the afternoon watching CCTV footage and guests id-pics to check if either of the 2 suspects had been at the hotel. But no face seemed to fit.

Zoya and Flu both felt guilty whenever the black hoodie guy was mentioned but for different reasons.

They decided the senior Kapurs Habibs Hoodas and Siddiquis need not know any of this. They would needlessly worry or worse cut short the stay.

Clu had had a cycling accident was the lie all agreed on. A half-truth anyways!

Zoya assured them Arshad also had agreed the seniors need not know of his dip in the temple tank.

But Raghav was playing it safe. He had set strict curfew hours. Pub@theHub plans were rescheduled to earlier hours, no hard drinks outside the resort premises and outdoor camping plans for the bikers were cancelled. The campers had already shifted their stuff to the hotel.

Adi hugged Flu again but she did not let him even start apologizing.

Adi: I forgot about the effect of crowds…

Flu: You are making me feel more horrible. I ruined…

Arjun: Shhh… No more of this. None of this is anyone's fault...

Arjun especially checked on Noor who had gone all quiet. He knew she was blaming her turtle quest as the root cause of all that ensued. In the past he had been inconsiderately unthinking and had compounded her guilt with his harsh and a few unfair reprimands. Not again.

Arjun: (catching Noor's eyes) Stop!! Don't even think…

Clu: (dramatically nose in air) Everyone here thinkzz they are God! They cauzzze world problemzz! Zzee Audazzity!!! By the way Zoya your mazzic clothezz did not…

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