9: Opinions change over time - Harshwardhan Hooda

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Harsh swirled his drink and the next memory that swirled into focus was bitter-sweet.

Harsh has been terrified when Adi had been arrested with double-murder charges. In his cell, Adi had been assaulted by fellow-prisoners sent in with that intent. Nothing in life had prepared Harsh to see the sight of Adi battered so badly.

Adi had panicked, not for himself but for Zoya

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Adi had panicked, not for himself but for Zoya. She was also arrested charged as his accomplice and beaten like him. He was the reason why Zoya had got involved and suffered. His guilt wanted to see Zoya proven innocent, acquitted of all charges and safely back home.

Gripped by fear and panic, Adi forgot to call Harsh "Mr. Hooda". Hearing Pa after more than a decade, 15 years to be precise was like a balm to his ailing heart. Adi openly sharing his fear and seeking help from Harsh like a little boy asks his father had his heart.

In his anxiety for Zoya, Adi had made peace with Harsh. That rekindled hope that Adi may love him unconditionally again. Anjana could now forgive Harsh completely and they could start afresh. Somewhere Adi's anger had held her back.

The Hooda family began to heal that day and indirectly Zoya had made them whole again

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The Hooda family began to heal that day and indirectly Zoya had made them whole again.

Harsh put down his drink and turned on the bar stool and looked around at the empty house. He was willing to welcome Zoya into this house, into his family despite the certain scandal that would ensue. Not just because he could not bear to lose Adi again. Zoya was really good for Adi. She had a calming effect on impulsive Adi. Also Adi had tried to hide it but he had been sad and withdrawn the day he had returned from Paris but the more time he spent with Zoya more the old Adi had resurfaced minus the hate. Harsh had missed happy Adi for 16 years.

Anjana was the only deterrant that kept him from hammering on the Siddiqui's door demanding their daughters' hand for his sons.

He wondered at himself. First he had tried to keep Adi away from Zoya. Now he wished them married!

Had Adi not exiled himself in Paris, Harsh would have packed him off to New Zealand just to keep him away from Zoya. He had a friend in the tourist sector who operated private flights between New Zealand and Australia. And that is where he would send Adi to lick his wounds if Zoya married Arshad.

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