29: Adi meets Flu - Paris Diaries 3

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Adi 5:00am...
expectation: me Zzzzz...
Reality: mosquitos Zzzzzing around...

Flu hated mosquitoes. He hoped there were none in her room. He got a repellant from the main desk and plugged it in.

He remembered his first encounter with Flu.

A slightly shorter version of the girl on the bed was staring at him; thankfully a fully clothed version. She was as frightened as he was. She was staring at him with eyes as big as saucers. Then she looked beyond him at the bed and looked more worried.

Flu: Who you? Why you hiding face?

And then on an afterthought she pulled out something from her back pocket and aimed at him. Adi put up his hands in alarm; then heaved a sigh of relief. She was ready to shoot but she was only aiming her mobile phone camera at him. He let her take his pictures and then resumed rubbing his nose.

Flu: (shouted) Clu!
Adi: I have no clue. Me clueless.

Adi again put out his hands; palms outward. The girl looked confused.

Flu: (looking at the bed and back at Adi) No Clu? You Clu lezz!

Adi: Believe me. I was her date. Then I no wanna date. When I go leave. She give keys. I only help. She in. Me also in. But lock in. Me no unlock. Then she conk off. I think too much booze.

Adi was panting now but the girl did not seem any better informed than before.

Then Adi gave up and sank cross legged to the floor, put his head in his palms and pulled his hair. His phone had been vibrating for some time and he had not noticed. He checked his cellphone. It was full of texts and calls from Aman. Last text was should he call the police. Adi quickly texted back that he was fine. The last thing he wanted was to deal with the French police.

After checking that Clu was all right and safe, the girl came back to Adi and simply said, "Come"

She took Adi to the kitchen and gave him an ice-pack and pointed to his nose. He gratefully accepted. Then she pointed at juice, cartons of milk in the open refrigerator and the kitchen in general and said, "All yourzzz"

Adi: I want to leave.

Flu: No. You leave in the morning. Need permizzzion from rezzidentszz to leave gate.

Adi slumped in a high chair and put his head in his hands.

Flu: My name izzz Fleur. Girl in bed izzz my zzizz Chloe. Zzimpler namezz. I am Flu. Zzee is Clu.

Adi's head was throbbing.

Flu: Talk tomorrow. Zzleep now. Pleazze follow me.

She took him back to the same bedroom. She opened a concealed door and pointed to a toilet and bathroom. She pointed to a couch and cushions. She opened a cupboard and gave him a duvet and then switched off all the lights and curled up under the duvet with her sister.

There was little Adi could do. He texted Aman and Ethan that he was spending the night with two girls; Chloe and Fleur. He could not help smiling at how that sounded. He then found his location on the net and shared it with Ethan and Aman.

It was a beautiful semicircular room. Floor to ceiling Glass on semi-circular side! Maybe one way see-through glass! It was surrounded outside by decorative plants and short stunted trees that swayed in the breeze of the moonlit night.

Adi forced his eyes close and tried to relax but managed to fall asleep only in the early hours of morning.

When he woke up the room was still dark. When his eyes adjusted he saw heavy curtains were drawn but sunlight was streaming in though a narrow gap at the far end of the room. No wonder he had slept through the morning. The bed was empty. He used the rest room, folded his duvet and was building courage to step out when he heard a knock on the open door. Whirling around, he recognized Flu. He followed her to the kitchen where she offered him milk tea coffee fruits and a variety of cereals.

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