15: Pooja

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PC: @ThewifeHooda

Arjun looked around the ward. Yes! Mission accomplished! Job well done!

The new ward was very child friendly. Noor had seen to that and Zoya had encouraged her. It resembled a play school more than a hospital ward. Zoya had placed Pooja Bhabi's photos and philosophical notes all over the ward, very aesthetically.

I am your saviorSo you can heal me

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I am your savior
So you can heal me

Arjun looked at the centre picture in the room that had drawn everyone's attention. Bhai had clicked this picture. Bhabi was smiling into the lens or maybe more at the antics of her super romantic hubby behind the lens. It was a smile captured in mid-smile... so it gave him a feeling that she was smiling at him and her smile would widen a little more any moment.

Arjun had gone the extra mile while directing this project. It was his homage to Pooja Bhabi. And he hoped it got Bhai some closure.

Lost in her smile he recollected how happy Bhai had been with her. She was Bhai's sun; the star around which Bhai's world revolved. Arjun empathized with her irritation with Bhai's childlike nature. And the proverbial final straw!

He shut his eyes. Trying to shut out the pain of loss of that unborn Hooda life! He wished they all had been spared that pain. And above all he wished Pooja Bhabi had been spared that pain.

Yes there had been incidents when Bhai had neglected Bhabi, slighted her, mostly obliviously and Arjun was witness to it on few occasions. But... Why did Bhai need to suffer pain that was unfairly out of proportion to his blunders and his intent! Why did life always serve Bhai a raw deal!

 Why did Bhai need to suffer pain that was unfairly out of proportion to his blunders and his intent! Why did life always serve Bhai a raw deal!

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They love us selflessly
They give us roots
So they can steady us
When we reach for the skies

Bhai irritated him too. Sometimes hurt him with his insensitivity. Bhai crossed his limits on so many occasions and on so many fronts. But none of that ever undermined his love for Arjun. And never had Arjun's love for Bhai ever been challenged by Bhai's thoughtless actions. Never for even a moment! Never on any affront! Their love for each other was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. Even when they had fought over Yash's sentence their underlying love, their bond, was never under threat. They simply had had differences.

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