68: Self-Inflicted Wounds

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Zoya could not take it anymore. She had lost count of the number of times Aditya had flinched on being touched like he had been tazed. She had noticed it first last night when Arjun had accidentally stepped back into Aditya when unloading the bags from the car...

Sanju's Adda had gone languid having lost most of its guests to the neighbouring golf course. Roshnaq Aunty had stayed behind with the girl gang enjoying the early morning melody of bird calls and wind in the tree leaves. The girl gang was lazing in hammocks and lounge chairs, reluctant to head to the outdoor table with benches where the house-staff had spread and now guarded, a ginormous breakfast for the laggard loungers.

Zoya spotted Aditya Hooda, the last straggler to the golf course, at the breakfast table. He grabbed a bunch of bananas and wolfed them down as he made to rush past the lawn towards the parking lot. She took her chance and sprinted towards him. She intercepted him, grabbed his left wrist and hastened into the house into the first empty room in sight, the tiny study.

She pulled back his right sleeve. He cringed in pain and grabbed her wrist to stop her. A handful of banana peels littered the floor. A white bandage all around the right wrist peeped out from his shirt cuffs. Zoya stifled a cry. Aditya would not attempt to...

Zoya had only recently heard of self-injury disorder, self-harm and abuse. The last person she would have... Aditya... No!

Zoya looked unbelievingly into his face. His face was expressionless but as usual his eyes were reading hers and hers always gave her away. She realized one traitor tear drop had leaked out; okay few. She violently brushed them aside and gently made to feel his left shoulder. He recoiled by reflex but then clenched his jaw and let her. She felt some padding under the 3 layers of cloth.

Zoya quickly undid the buttons of the 2 shirts he wore under his jacket. This by itself was suspicious. His casual wear was a T-shirt under a jacket or sportswear and hoodie not cotton shirts. His sleeves were always rolled up not buttoned at the cuffs. She lifted the shirts off his left shoulder and saw the dressing below.

Zoya: What happened!

Adi: (ominously) Something hap... No. Nothing... happened...

Zoya: Please...

Adi: (indignantly) 3 days Thousand SMSs Hundred calls...

Zoya: (knowing what he was referring to) My finger is fine. What happened to you?

Aditya simply stared into her eyes with a clenched jaw saying nothing. She brushed away the fresh batch of tears. But she could not dare lookup again and meet his piercing gaze.

Zoya: (incoherently haltingly) My finger... the wound healed long back. Fresh skin has... and it doesn't pain much unless... you know... some unexpected contact... or movement... Please... (shouting) now tell me what happened

Adi: (unable to stay angry) I am sorry. I am very sorry...

Zoya: Please...

Adi: ...I hurt you. I did not realize the ring was cutting into your skin. I did feel the wetness of the blood but I thought it was my blood. I am so sorry. You know I wouldn't hurt you... You know... You know that... Right? Please say it... You know that... You believe me... right? And I was an absolute idiot afterwards... Trying to... I... I was... I am so... so... so sorry

Then he examined her hand with the bandaged finger with that cursed ring on it.

Adi: Can I just undo the bandage and see it once? I will do the dressing again. I know how to... I won't hurt...

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