6: Anjana and Harshwardhan Hooda

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Harsh sat at the bar nursing his drink. He wasn't really paying attention to the talk around him. He glanced across the room at Anjana. Anjana after all these years still had that irresistible attraction. No. She was even more beautiful now. Sadly he wished the same applied to her brains. Today was one of her better days. She was quiet but did not look bored.

This was primarily his inner circle of friends not hers. This close-knit group of his had stuck with one another through thick and thin. They had each other's back and thrived without compromising on some hardcore principles that had brought them together. But like Anjana not all spouses were as invested. But their friendship had survived the trial of time and they had accepted one another with the good and the bad. Yet Harsh had secrets to keep from this crowd as well, some for their own good.

He again looked across at Anjana. Yes. Today indeed was one of her better days. She was actually smiling. And when she smiled his heart still did that back-flip. He knew her real smile. Today the joy that radiated from her smile was genuine and not the usual social mask both of them had mastered. Adi and Zoya had offended her best friends so Anjana was avoiding them. She must have missed the gossip and trivia of the bar-social circles. This group here was pretty benign by her standards which also meant better chances of peace and lesser chances of sudden mood swings. After all it takes two to tango. Then on second thoughts Anjana could tango alone.

His cellphone beeped. It was an SMS from Arjun. "Hospital new wing inauguration at 10 AM. You must attend"

Arjun had alerted him days ahead but... This was happening once too many. He was forgetting important dates... facts and figures... Was he losing it slowly? Was age catching up? He SMSed back, "I will be at the hospital by 9:45am with your mom"

On an afterthought he called Arjun.

Harsh: Is Adi coming?

Arjun: No Dad. And I did not press

Harsh: What is he doing in Indore?

Arjun: No idea Dad. Sorry

Harsh thought to himself when will Arjun stop apologizing for Adi's actions! And when Arjun gives up on Adi, God save Adi!

Harsh: We may be late tonight so Good Night.

Arjun: Good Night Dad

Just as Harsh was about to cut the call he asked, "Arjun you had dinner?"

Arjun: No Dad. But no worries I will grab something

Harsh: I think I heard your Mom give some instructions to Victor. Do check if she made dinner for you.

Arjun: Thanks Dad. I will check. Good Night

Harsh: Good Night

Harsh stared at his cellphone. Arjun was the most sorted of the 4 Hoodas and hence suffered their idiosyncrasies. Harsh did not let on but he had immense admiration for Arjun's steadfastness. Arjun had kept the family rooted these last many years and especially last 7-8 months. While Adi kept them adrift from one worry to another Arjun was their anchor. He only prayed they did not stress his resilience beyond repair.

At these times he missed Pooja and Sakshi Mathur. The 2 women had brought some semblance of stability to their dysfunctional family from the day Adi and Pooja had exchanged rings around 5 years ago. Less than 2 years later they had married. Harsh had Pooja to thank for Anjana's mental wellbeing for those 5 years. Or maybe some years even before that because Pooja and Anjana had bonded even before the engagement. Pooja would keep Anjana and/or Sakshi informed about her whereabouts. Adi included Pooja in all his exploits except his pilot duties. Those 6-7 years may have been the only years when Anjana knew exactly where her precious Adi was. If Anjana was calm then the Hooda world was at peace.

Harsh's thoughts drifted from Pooja to Zoya. If Adi was not expected tomorrow he could safely invite Zoya to the inauguration. Zoya and Noor had contributed immensely to the interior designs of the ward. He wanted to thank them properly and formally. He believed in giving credit where it was due. Anjana would not be happy but post Zoya's engagement Anjana could tolerate the girl better.

Harsh texted Zoya, "It would give me immense pleasure if you and Noor could be present at the inauguration of the new Children's Ward for Little Homes at Medicare Hospital at 10AM. Pease do make it"

He sent a second text, "Apologies for the late intimation. I should have sent this out earlier"

Though he could not express this openly he was fond of both Zoya and Noor. But Anjana hated both the girls and for the greater good he had always made peace with Anjana's wishes.

As he made to pick up his neglected glass his cellphone beeped. Zoya had texted back, "Thank you for the invite. Both of us feel blessed that you wish to include us in the inauguration. However I am not sure if I can rearrange my appointments at Zosh. Same goes for Noor. We cannot promise we will be there." The phone beeped again with the SMS, "We really truly feel blessed that you thought about us"

Harsh was tempted to text her that Adi was not in town. He smiled at her second text. Zoya was never far from his thoughts. And nor was that imp Noor. Because whenever he thought of Adi, he thought of Zoya. And he thought of Adi almost all the time these days. He would have liked a daughter of his own and could not wait for his sons to get married. But unfortunately that was not happening anytime soon.

As he made to pick up his neglected glass yet again, he heard that familiar much detested loud baritone at the door and turned. Oh No! Who had invited this lady? She was absolutely tactless and though she meant well she always offended Anjana.

Harsh was exhausted. He had had a long weary day. He had come to this party hoping that a few back slaps and bar jokes from his old cronies would perk him up. The only joke he had heard was, "The Hoodas own the bar. Harshwardhan Hooda is called to the bar either because his son has had a bar brawl or is behind bars of every kind". A very drunk ___ had mouthed this awful joke. But he was going through his own personal hell as a parent so Harsh just let it go.

As the lady descended on her first unsuspecting victim for the night, Harsh did not think twice. He quickly made his excuses for both himself and Anjana and before Anjana knew what hit her she found herself waiting for the car outside the _____ Mansion.

Anjana: Harsh! What happened! Some ex-flame got hot on you!

Anjana had such a one track mind.

Harsh: Anjana! Very funny! Why would I leave then! (then after a dramatic pause) Actually I admit I did spot my ex-flame... (dramatic pause again) Your smile. After that I did not want to waste another minute inside... away from your smile. So keep smiling...

Anjana could not help smiling at all this flattery. The weather was windy and cold. Harsh changed the side he was standing on so that he blocked off the wind and Anjana was not in its direct path. He was busy checking his emails on his cellphone so he did not notice the loving look Anjana gave him. Anjana had and continued to love Harsh with an obsession since she was 19. No matter what Harsh did she would not give up on him. Adi had been very upset when she put up with Harsh's Infidelity. But the boy had no idea that Harsh was her drug she could not survive without.

As they settled in the car, Harsh instructed the driver to stop by their new office for a few minutes.

Harsh: (turning to a visibly upset Anjana. He knew office detour will upset her) Dear Mrs Anjana Hooda it will give me immense pleasure to inaugurate the new Children's Ward at Medicare Hospital with you?

Anjana: (scowled) Pooja's ward

Harsh: Yes tomorrow at 10AM. And I had promised to put my remarks on some case files by noon. We may lose the entire morning at the hospital. I will take just 5-10 minutes to pick up these files so I can meet my professional commitments at noon while honoring my family commitments in the morning.

Anjana: So you will spend another 3-4 hours on these files now!

Harsh: Yes but only after you are fast asleep. Not before that. Happy?

Anjana just huffed and looked away, staring unseeingly out of the window.

The car soon drove into a fancy looking drive and stopped outside a steel and glass 5 storey building. Harsh and Arjun's cabins were on the 5th Floor.

Harsh: Anjana, do you mind waiting in the car? Or would you like to come up with me? The view from the 5th floor is beautiful. Remember!

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