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Chapter 46

5 Years Later


I walk in the pack house and past my dad's office, not stopping before I reach my Mom's room.

Yes, you read that right- Mom's room. Not my parents' room. Not anymore.

When I knock, a voice that does not belong to my Mom, answers me to come in, and making sure that my face is void of any emotions, I enter.

"Hello Aunt Rebecca" I greet my Aunt, the Gamma Female of the pack, who had been the one to call me in.

"Hey Cam" Her voice is soft, and just from that alone, I can tell that my Mom is not in a good moon right now.

"Why are you here?" Mom's cold voice is one I had anticipated, but I still feel awful on hearing it. She is facing the window, not even bothering to look at me.

"I am leaving-"

"So go" She cuts me off and I straighten my shoulders.

"-to Canada" I finish. Over the past five years, ever since Sebastian had shared his theory that there might be another budding Oracle out there, who might have already matured into her full powers, I have spent most of my time travelling the world, trying to find her.

So far, it has been a blind goose chase, with no leads whatsoever.

I have travelled the whole of Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa, and still haven't found her.

Alice and her parents have volunteered to help quite a lot, but with no scents at my hand, how can I allow them to waste their time on something that, according to my father is just wishful thinking?

"So go" Mom repeats and I sigh, her words literally hurting me.

Aunt Becs notices my face and in a compassionate voice asks, "Who all are going with you?"

I shake my head, "No one"

She inhales sharply and turns to look at my Mom, "Are you sure that is wise? Canada is not a safe place for a future Alpha to roam around alone" The worry in her voice makes me feel warm, because at least someone cares about me...

Ever since Dad came clean about Ashallyn to Mom, both of them have had a terrible fallout. My Mom no longer talks to my dad or me, going as far as to throw all of Dad's stuff out of their once shared room. And my Dad? With lack of Mom's affection, he has become a shell of himself.

Uncle Hades tells me that he has turned exactly how he was before my Mom accepted him, only living for the sake of the pack, and only breathing with the hope that Mom might one day forgive him.

It has been five years, and I don't think my Mom is going to forgive him anytime soon.

"I'll manage" I shrug, turning away from my mom, because her hostility is slowly killing me. I can sometimes read minds, you know? Key word being sometimes. It is a part of my powers, and even now, though I don't want to, I can hear my Mom's thoughts. About how she feels hollow on the inside. About how she wishes that her world would end already. About how the Moon Goddess has never been fair to her.

Before, I only heard such thoughts from her in the month of my birthday, the worst day being my birthday obviously, because she always mourned for the boy she never got to as much as hold.

Now- every day that I see her is like my birthday. She is so busy mourning for my twin, that I have obviously fallen in the background.

"When will you be back?" Aunt Becs asks me and I shrug.

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