Male Akane x female reader

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Requested by: Tytv123
Title: You Always Look Amazing
Warning: Foul Language (Bad words), Terrible, short
(B/n)= Boyfriends name
F/f= favorite food
It was sadly Monday, but the sky was gray and cloudy the way (Y/n) liked it. (Y/n) usually got to school late and not because it took her an hour to get out of bed (sarcasm), but today (Y/n) wanted to visit her boyfriend (b/n) because she doesn't have any classes with him and he always goes to school early, and what another way to spend a Monday morning with your lovely boyfriend. (Y/n) put away her shoes in her locker and proceed to change into her indoor shoes. When she got to the courtroom she saw no sign of (B/n), she checked in every room in the school and decide to check outside behind the school. There she saw what she wish she could unsee, (B/n) making out with your enemy (e/n).

"What the fuck, (B/n!? I fucking trusted you, you piece of trash!" "(Y/n)! Why are you here so early!? You always come to school late!" "So this what you have been doing every day in the morning, huh? Making out with that bitch!" "Excuse me, I am not a bitch the biggest bitch here is you!" (E/n) said walking up to me about to hit me in the face, before she could I slapped her in the face and pulled her by her hair.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that. I am fucking pissed off, right now. And you don't want to mess with me when I am mad." I heard her whimper in response. I turned to (B/n) who still was in shock that he was caught. I threw (E/n) and she landed on the ground, crying. I turned my attention to the fuckboy in front of me.

I punched him square in the face, he stumbled back a little and held his hand up to his face. His nose started bleeding and his eye looked swollen "You just lost the girl who actually loved you, you asshole. I hope you got what you deserved you motherfucker." "(Y/n), please don't leave me!" (B/n) cried crawling towards me, on his knees his bloody nose and hands grabbing on to my leg. "I love you, (Y/n)! More than I love (e/n)!" "I don't give a shit! You made out with her, some love!" I kicked him off of my leg and walked off angry about the whole situation.

It isn't like me to ditch school, but I did. I am hurt for what he had done. I felt like crying my eyes out, I wanted to go home lay in my bed and start crying, but my mom goes to work at 3:30 and it was only 12. "I guess I just have to wait a little bit longer." My phone rang signaling somebody was calling me. I checked to see it was (y/b/f), my friend since middle school.

"Why weren't you at school today!? Are you sick!?"

"Calm down, (y/b/n). I am just fine, I just have a little cough, I'll be going back to school tomorrow."

"Something else is the matter, you sound sad."

"To be honest I have a little cough and I caught (B/n) cheating on me with (e/n)."

"*gasp* No way! I am going to fucking hurt him when I see him! He wasn't at school today."

"Don't worry I already punched him in the face and he started bleeding."

"I am happy about that, are you going to be okay? Do you want me to come over? We can hang out and watch movies, I'll buy some snacks!"

I smiled thinking of hanging out with my best friend "Sure, sounds better than amazing. Come around four."

"All right, remember it's better to fight your battles with someone than alone."
(Y/b/n) hung up and I started walking to the gate only to see Akane there. "Shit, how is he here I thought he only walked in and out of classrooms, not around the school, I thought that was zebra girl. " I whispered and I hid behind a bush. Only a few minutes past and he was still at the front gate.

"I can wait forever, but what about you? Just come out (Y/n)." I heard his voice. I frowned and stepped out. "You knew?" I asked. He gave me a closed eye smile

"Of course I did."
"So, why didn't you say anything before."
"I wanted you to be as comfortable as possible, but then minutes past so I got tired."
"Oh..." "Anyways, I came here to tell you, you may get suspended for abusing (b/n) and (e/n)." "What!? All I did was hit them! While he cheated on me!" "I know-wait, what?" "That son of a bitch cheated on me with (e/n)."

"Oh, I don't think that's going to be a good excuse for the counselor... They have to have attacked you first in order for it to be all right to fight." He said giving me a sad smile.

"Really? What a Monday, huh?" I said looking at the sky. "Yeah, I guess it is. I'll make a deal with you, I'll let you off by not telling the counselor if you go on a date with me." He said looking at me like he was serious
Huh?" "Meet me at the front gate around 5 p.m.," he said walking off. "Is he serious," I muttered looking back at him.

"Yes, I am serious." He said not turning back.

Time Skip

It was near 5 pm and I decide to start walking in front of the school gates. I had worn some jeans with a few holes in them, not because it's the style but because of my dog/cat/another animal (just in case your not a dog person or a cat person) but it's alright they don't need the truth, I was also wearing a plain white shirt, I could have worn a dress but that's too much work.

I plugged in my headphones and stuffed my phone in my pocket and started singing along.

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live
Oh take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open

I paused for a second and closed my eyes.

Why were they open
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever ask
'Cause what you don't understand is

"All catch a grenade for you"
Another voice said from in front of me. I opened my eyes and say Akane in a suit holding a rose. I paused the music and looked at the flower then him.

"Wow, way to show me up....." I took the rose and looked at my clothes.

"You look amazing, Y/n. You always do," He said grabbing my hand lightly "you also sang beautifully."

I blushed and realized he did indeed hear me. "Not bad yourself, Akane," I smirked at him. He smiled (wait he's always smiling...anyways) and started leading me to an (f/f) restaurant.

"(F/f)!!!!" I exclaimed, "how did you know?" I turned to him. "I saw how happy you are when (b/n) got you (f/n), so I decide this would at least make you happy." He said leading me inside.

We sat at a small table near the corner of the room, a waitress walked up to us and asked us for our orders. I looked down at my clothes again and felt embarrassed. "Dammit, I should have worn a dress at least," I muttered under my breath.

"Nonsense, (Y/n) you look beyond beautiful," Akane said taking my hands into it and giving them small butterfly kisses. I've never felt my face be this hot since my first kiss.

Time Skip
Our food had arrived and I started stuffing my face. I looked up to see Akane chuckling a bit. My face went hot and I muttered a sorry. I am so stupid. "It's okay, (y/n) the way you get around food is adorable." 

Another Time Skip because why not

Akane was now walking me home and I had an odd urge to hold his hand. We walked side by side with the most comfortable silence. "Hey, Akane." "Yes?" "Why'd you do this?" I asked looking up at him. We stopped and he pulled me to a hug, which I gladly excepted.

"You mean the world to me, (Y/n) so when I saw what happened between you and (b/n) and saw your hurt expression all I wanted to do was hug you and tell you everything is alright. I love you, (Y/n)(Y/l/n)."

"I love you too, Akane," I muttered looking up at him and giving him a passionate kiss.

"I will never hurt you, (y/n)."

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