The Ball

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Anna decided to stick by Laxus' side. It seems he became really protective of Anna. The other members didn't know what to think when they heard them calling each other big brother and little sister.

Lamia scale decided to drop by for a bit as well. They climbed up to the second best guild.

Bisca and Alzack got married and had a kid. Romeo learned fire magic. It was crazy.

Never Anna thinks about what they went through her heart aches and she feels guilty. She could tell the other felt the same. All she could do was smile.

She would mess with the dragon slayers, make Laxus blush, talk to Gildarts and just interact with people. She always felt like she was in the shadows but it turns out she was the one hiding. Anna even cooked for everyone. Apparently no one knew she could cook.

The seven year gap was obvious.

Since the guild moved Anna had to walk pretty far. When she finally got to her house everything was over grown and Anna realized just how empty her house was. Anna has an idea.

No one on the Tenro team had anywhere to stay. Anna used her magic to turn her small one roomed house to a large hotel-like building.

Anna made her way to the guild.

"I-um. Anyone who doesn't have anywhere to stay can stay with me. Lexus to" Anna offered. Everyone went ghost white. They all jumped on Anna at once.

"I made a bathroom for every room and a large kitchen, living room. It's pretty empty though. I always slept on the floor. There is furniture but only the ones that an be made out of wood" Anna blushed. Everyone cheered and Anna lead then to the rooms.

"Choose whatever room you want. You can decorate it however you want. If you want I can make some decorations." She told everyone. They all cheered again. Anna went from room to room decorating.

"Oh and one more thing! There's isn't rent here. I built it by myself here so I can stay away from people, but I found that I want company. All you need to do is get your mattresses and blankets along with buying your own food" Anna looked at Cana.

"And booze" Cana looked away.

"Gildarts I made two connecting rooms of you and Cana want to take those. Gray and Juvia can as well. I don't care" with that Anna left. She was going on a job.

It was an easy one. She just had to translate some old text. She was given 900,000 Jewl for it. People have been tying to crack the code for years. It was the writing language that Zeref taught her, so it was a breeze.

Anna decided to hit the market and buy some food for everyone for the next few days at least. Anna had finished shopping. Along with food Anna got some refrigerator lacrima, some fire lacrima, and some light lacrima.

After putting away the food Anna set up all the lacrima. She decided to head towards the guild only to find everyone ballroom dancing.

Anna was shy. She has never danced before. She watched them for a few minutes before she felt someone next to her. It was Freed.

"May I have this dance my fair maiden?" Freed offered his hand. Anna took his hand.

"It would be my honor to dance with such a gentleman" Anna and Freed made small talk while they danced. It only took Anna watching the other for a few minutes to master it. Anna told Freed about her translation job and how she's letting everyone live there. Freed insisted he come to when Anna let it slip that Laxus and Evergreen were staying there.

Night stared to fall. Lucy offered to let Anna yah along for the job. She took up Lucy's offer but turned down the money.

"I just finished a job that got me 900,000 jewl and I still have plenty left after buying all the lacrima and food we need." Anna explained.

After meeting with the count they were a given tents to get ready in. Anna found a pretty black dress with a deep cut on the leg. What made her choose it what that the inside fabric was red. It gave a nice contrast she though. Anna wore simple red jewelry. When she was almost done Anna snuck into Lucy's tent.

"Can you have Cancer do my hair to? I'm a big fan. He always makes you look super pretty" Anna told Lucy. They both blushed and cancer sat Anna down. He curled Anna's bob cut and intertwined a sparky red string before looping them making them look like braided hops. Anna thanked them both and went back to her own tent. Anna tightened the silk wrap around her eyes and stepped out of the tent.

Anna decided to stay in the corner. No one ever tried to dance with her. Then again she was hiding in the shadows. Anna watched as they took away Velveno and smiled. He was in lover her her. Velveno just wanted s chance to propose.

A man randomly walked up to Anna. He had a mask on so all Anna could see was his blonde hair.

"May I have this dance?" The man looked away as he asked.

"Of course Laxus" Anna smiled and took his hand.

"How did you know it was me?" Laxus asked. Anna smile an flicked his on the forehead.

"My eyes are special. They were severely damaged when I was a salve as a child. After searching I found a cure of sorts. I can see outlines and vague colors, but when it comes to people I see the color of their aura or magic power. Yours is a pulsing yelling and white" Anna said happily.

She spent the night dancing with her big brother Laxus.

When she returned with Laxus all the light lacrima were off.

"They must be asleep. Let's be quiet" Anna put her finger to her lips and hushed Laxus.

Suddenly the lights all came on.

"Thank you Anna!" They all cheered. They all partied till morning. It was like having a bunch of siblings.

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