Up Against Le Boxeur (Calum Hood)

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I was currently hitting a punching bag, getting ready for a big fight tonight. It was actually between me and my good old friend, Adalyn, an actual pretty famous French Boxer. I stood for American. Of course, as I was one of the well known boxers named, Majestic Unknown. Yeah, obviously a strong name. Add the sarcasm to that one. As Adalyn was known as Le Boxeur. Standing for, The Boxer. Which, I didn't really mind for. It sounded pretty good within the French era.

But again, I was getting ready for the fight. Now, want to know one of the reasons as why I was known as Majestic Unknown to the boxing world? Haha...fun question to answer. Because nobody truly knew who I was. Sure, there were guesses, but no one had ever seen my identity before. I always wore a mask. Majestic came along since I was a pretty, as fans would say, a Majestic Boxer. So, that came along. Names were pretty fun to make, but it was also fun to hear fans cheer out your name as you were.

Now, in my reality life, no one of course knew who I was withing boxing. In reality, I was known as Kaya Waters. Or, where my following came from, was being crowned, Calum Hood's girlfriend. And being a pretty famous singer within my day job. Boom! And wanna know a deeper secret? He, nor the boys, knew I was a professional boxer. They all thought of me as a cute, soft, able to sing, person. But every night, I wouldn't only go home. But I would either practice, or fight. I thought of it as fun, while others were all about it being competition. Like...why can't people have fun and make acquaintances with their competitors? It's easy as a small snap and a half.

But, since his was a huge game of rounds, EVERYONE on social media was talking about it. People were choosing sides, people were voting in who was winning. Heck, people were even making PETITIONS on me or Adalyn winning. Like...geez. Those would so help. Add another remark of sarcasm with that sentence. But, I couldn't blame em. It was pretty exciting. Especially when I would walk out a thousands of fans would scream my name. And when I lost matches, most of the fans in the stadium were still accepting and weren't on social media like, "Ha! You lost! You suck at this!" Everyone was just either happy that their favorite won, or just excited for their favorite to beat more butt.

I sighed, sweat drenching throughout my entire body. I walked over to my towel, putting it around my neck before stepping into the locker room, taking a quick shower. I stepped out, changing back into my clothes and going out into the lobby.

"Have a great day, Zoey." I told the woman at the counter, before walking out the front door.

"As do you, Kaya." She replied as I saw her flash a smile my way. I returned it, thankfully.

I stepped into the cool winds outside and walked to my car. I quickly drove to Cal's to see his car there. I smiled before stepping outside and into the house, hair still kind of wet from the shower. "Babe! I'm here! Well, maybe for a bit!" I yelled out. I saw Calum emerge from the hallway.

"Kaya!" Calum announced, kissing melightly. " Ok, babe the boys and I got tickets to that one boxing match tonight, and we got 2 extra! We were wondering if you and Crystal would come?" Calum asked, his hands on my waist, looking into my eyes.

My eyes widened a bit. I was going to be at ye boxing match anyways. It was my match. I sighed. "I might show up, but I already bought myself one. Ashton said that you guys could give the ticket to Sierra. Maybe she could take that one?" I asked him, smiling.

He shrugged. "As long as you'll be there, I'm happy." He told me, kissing my cheeks. I giggled. "Oh, you're too cute. Now. I'm going to get ready, I suppose you should as well." He told me. He kissed my nose and walked away. "By the way Kaya, we're rooting for Majestic Unknown!" He yelled.

"Whoop Whoop! Let's go Majestic! I bet she'll be pretty happy that you'll be here. Also that you're rooting for her!" I announced, walking towards the front door. He laughed.

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