Sick (Michael Clifford)

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I woke up. I felt something crawl up from my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom, opened the toilet lid...and it came out. I began coughing and choking ferociously. So ferocious, Michael heard and ran in. I vomited once more when he stepped in, my hands pulling my hair back. He started rubbing my stomach, chanting, "Let it all out babygirl." It didn't help much...but hey, as long as he was around, that's all that mattered.

I closed the toilet lid and flushed the vomit down the drain. I collapsed against the wall. Michael sat down as well, pulling me into his lap. "You ok, my love?" He asked me. I shakily nodded. "I'm fi- I'm fine." I replied. He gave me a look.

"Uh-huh. Sure seem fine to me." He replied. I shook my head. "No, honestly. I'm fine Michael. Just a little shaken." I said. I tried getting up, but I fell over. Michael caught me. "Babygirl. I'm going to take that as the worst lie I've ever heard." He said to me, smirking lightly. I sighed.

"Fine...I'm not okay." I said. "Okay. Now I'm going to take care of you." He said, picking me up and walking me to the bed.

"But, Michael. You need to sleep. You have to go on Jimmy Fallon's show with the boys later!" I told him. He chuckled. "I need you to be fine. It's just a show, I'll make it there anyways." He replied. I sighed. I knew I was losing the battle on who won anyways. "Exactly." He said.

"You really suck, ya know?" I asked. He laughed. "Oh, I've known that since birth. It's my favorite trait about myself." He said. I tried holding back a laugh, but that failed miserably.


Throughout the day, Michael and I watched movies, played video games, and heck, he even cooked for me! cook I meant he ordered pizza. Typical Michael. But, he was a sweetheart and I loved the boy.

Yes, I said boy. There is NO way he was a man. No way at all. He still acted so childish, no matter how old he was. He was still a child. At least to me. He would always be a child. I don't think he'd ever get any older by maturity.

Hey guys! This chapter was inspired to me by my sickness. Yes, it's true....I'm sick. I have that stomach sickness going on. Get your vaccinations people XD. I don't want any of you getting sick!

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