Their Girls (SOSreview)

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Hm...the math between Michael and Luke being together... They both have girlfriends..though yes Michael is getting married

*Looks at the camera recording behind*

Oh! Yes! Hello and welcome to another SOSreview! Today we shall be talking about how I will never make it to be on of their girlfriends hahaha...I have a sad life...

Nah I'm just joking, I'd rather be close friends with them! I don't think I'd ever make it that far to date on of them! Well...unless they want me to but that would never happen!

Ok, enough joking around. So...the 5SOS girls.

Luke's girls tend to be shy. As Michael's are the most dirty minded, Calum's are hilarious, and Ashton's tend to be really understanding.

But...what if you're all the boy's girls. *Raises hand*  I've been volunteered at tribute!

That's so true though. I'm all there girls. Like...if I wake up, and I see a picture of for example...Michael, I'm a Michael girl for the rest of the day. But, if I see a picture of them as a group, I can't choose which girl I am for the rest of the day.

Like, if you're an All girl, you don't just wake up and say, "Oh! I'm gonna be a Calum Girl today!" And will be a Calum girl. No no no...sweety that's not how it works..

You wake up and say, "Oh! I'm gonna be a Luke girl today!" But if you see a picture of know so damn well that you won't be a Luke girl. You'll be an Ashton girl.

And again, DON'T get me going on about if you see a picture of the whole band. Oh no no no. You'll be sitting here reading this all day! All I'm going to that you'll be questioning life existence until you see a solo picture of one of them.

Like...jisces crisces.. it's so hard being an All Girl. You can't just choose which one you'll be... It'll be the opposite boy on which one you want it to be.

Let me just's easier being one of their girls instead of all their girls. thing you'll be naming your child, Malukshton. After all of them.

Save yourself before it's too late. It's already too late for me.

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