My Rankings

196 1 0

You know.....when you have really good rankings....and then this happens?

Yeah....666 for Calum Hood....

Good job there rankings! I'm so honored that Satan has now read my book...not really.

But to be honest with you, I am proud to have these rankings. Especially in Michael and Luke. I'm actually really honored to have these rankings on all of these! These boys make me happy, and so do you guys!

And 6.9 k views? Almost at 7,000 all ready? Wow, I'm so happy you guys! Just..thank you so much. You guys are literally majestic. Like, the definition lives within you! And you guys are so amazing for it!

Out of tend of thousands of stories, you guys let me make it to the hundreds? That I'm literally so happy for. You guys...are so amazing!

I can't even explain how much you guys mean to me right now! When life is tough out there, you guys have my back! I love you guys so much!!

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