Meme Girl ~SOSventures~ {2019}

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Thank you to Mackenzie, Ella Abi, Keyzee, chocolate milk party, Balsamic, and all the premier fam for giving me this idea. Without you guys, I'd be lost in writers block. Thanks you guys! And I'm sorry this took so long, I just lost this idea from all the other chapters, recently finding it. but thanks!!

I bit my lip, trying to comprehend Luke's post. It was seriously him just walking forwards. "Good hint there Hemmings..." I thought to myself. I took another look at his insta profile pic. It was a lined triangle with an eye in the middle. Of course, I knew it was the Illuminati sign.

Long story short. All the 5sos fam thought that the 4 boys were part of the Illuminati now. The teaser of the music video had Ash and Cal In fire, Mikey was drowning, and Luke...well.. he was chained to the ceiling. Also, who could forget the girl who was dancing sexually. Very kinky. And we all knew that we, the 5sos fam were going to make something out of it.

I liked talking to the 5sos Fam. They were the most sweet-hearted people alive. They were also the meme artists. Could make a meme within the first 3 seconds. Especially of Luke. Luke was a walking meme. Right height, weight, movements, and especially physically. And he knew it. This music video was going to have some sort of Meme to it. We'd make sure of it. No comment section was going to be safe after this music video leaked.

I checked Twitter one last time, before I jumped from a notification. My eyes widened as I saw it was a 5sos premier for Easier. I clicked as fast as I could, seeing the chat. I smiled and looked to the left of my laptop screen. I saw all the boys in water. I nodded and went to the chat.

(Your YouTube Username)~ Aye guys! I'm ready for the memes! Hit me!

I laughed at the comment as the rest came filing in. The chat was quick for a moment before it slowed down. It went from a thousand viewers watching the Premier, to a hundred. I smiled again as I saw some fellow friends from the last premiers. I also saw some new people.

(Your YouTube Username)~ And reaching the beginning of this tour, we see IllumiatiSOS in a pool, drowning. It may be the 5sos coffin, where Luke shall take his last breath. You can tell he wants to go.

I laughed at the comments below mine. Some were LOLing at my comment. Others were questioning how recently, the boys gave me their follows. I was even confused on it. As my stories and tweets were usually memes and jokes on them.

I smiled at one comment in specific.

Keyzee meow~ @(Your YouTube Username) who's Luke? Lel

(Your YouTube Username)~ @ Keyzee meow Luke is the one with the longer hair, almost under the water. I guess he's trying to switch places with Ashton. As Ash is the one standing taller. Luke is the tallest.

Keyzee meow~ @(Your YouTube Username) Ashton? I only know a Sharon

I choked on my water. I started laughing. This was too funny to me. I couldn't even.

(Your YouTube Username)~ Yes! Sharon is stan now yes!
chocolate milk party~ @Keyzee meow you genius!

Keyzee meow~ Lol. @chocolate milk party @(Your YouTube Username) yes. Now we shall make all of them have girl names

I read through the names she put down in chat. Luke's was Lesley, Calum's Cassie, Michael's Mia, and Ashton's, of course, Sharon. I let out a smile as I saw someone put down they thought Michael's name should be Micayla.

(Your YouTube Username)~ Ok lol. What'll it be? Micayla, or Mia?

Keyzee meow~ @(Your YouTube Username) lol. I think it should be Miacayla. Seems to be the better choice to do here.

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