I Saw Them Today (Michael Clifford)

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~ Michael's Text~

ThatGuy: I saw her today..

CDizzleSwizzle: dude, who? Who'd you see?

Lucrazy: there are MANY MANY MANY hers in this world

FieryAsh: Another text about Crystal being cute...and I fricken swear!

ThatGuy: It seems like it has been forever

Lucrazy: no...you texted about her yesterday...and 6 hours ago...

CDizzleSwizzle: dude, 6 hours ago WAS yesterday

FieryAsh: Ok, Michael I love Crystal man, but I don't wanna hear it..

ThatGuy: She looks better than before.

FieryAsh: bish! Shush! I don't carrreeeee boi

CDizzleSwizzle: Ashton! Stay calm dad!

Lucrazy: hahahahahahaha Cashton is lit!

CDizzleSwizzle: Shut up Luke!

FieryAsh: shush it Lucas

ThatGuy: I asked her how she was going

Lucrazy: asked who? Is this not Crystal?

FieryAsh: it has to be Crystal though...she's literally ALL he talks about.

CDizzleSwizzle: Crystal's literally the only woman he talks to

Lucrazy: that's because women are mean

ThatGuy: I'd pick her out of over any girl I'm with

CDizzleSwizzle: yep. Not Crystal! Definitely not Crystal

FieryAsh: quiz time! So...Michael has been with many many girls in his time...

Lucrazy: let's see...who did he love the most...

CDizzleSwizzle: let me thi...oh....I know

FieryAsh: you know what!

Lucrazy: What?

CDizzleSwizzle: her...

ThatGuy: I can't even look at her without crying

Lucrazy: Jesus Christ! Tell us whoooooo

FieryAsh: Hey! Don't say the Lord's name in vein!

CDizzleSwizzle: Mike...I know buddy. But...

ThatGuy: I told her I missed her

Lucrazy: ok. Not Crystal...then..let me think. Who was Michael in a good relationship with other than Crystal?

FieryAsh: SH*T! Her!? Oh, Michael. Bud

CDizzleSwizzle: ikr?

Lucrazy: ARE YOU F**KNG SERIOUS!?!?!?

FieryAsh: *past Ash comes in* language! *Slowly slips into dark abyss*

CDizzleSwizzle: A dark abyss is the color of my heart and soul

Lucrazy: Well...that means you have a ~Jet Black Heart!~

ThatGuy: I meant it!

Lucrazy: that you...miss her? But who's her? WTF

CDizzleSwizzle: COME ON Luke! His longest relationship! You don't know?

FieryAsh: pure idiotical

CDizzleSwizzle: yeah, there's Ashton, using big words!

Lucrazy: longest relationship... Uhhhhhhhhh.....what? A long relationship?

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