Meeting Again~ ElementalNight

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I'm backkkkkkk-- I'm keeping to this schedule for this book so far, at least--  Maggiebutton asked for this ship.

~Elemental Steve's POV~

(Damn, this POV is short--)

I walk around the Spirit World, knowing this is the one and only place I'll live for the rest of my life. Then, I feel the atmosphere shift around, and I can tell it's from someone else coming to the Spirit World. I sigh, sitting down on the ground, looking at the peaceful sun before falling asleep. 

~Nightmare Steve / Yellow Steve's POV~

As I grow old in the normal world, I feel myself slowly fading away and going  to the place all of the Steve's go to when they're destroyed. The Spirit World. I sigh, knowing my time has come, even though all of us in the search party have yet to find Sabre. "Yellow Steve, are you okay?" The Overseer asks me, and I shake my head 'no'. 

All the other Steve's come to my side, trying to comfort me; but I feel all my energy running low. We all knew that those of us in the search party that knew Sabre were going to be the first to go, but since I was alive all those generations ago as Nightmare Steve; I was the oldest one there. Well, other than the Overseer. 

"What's wrong?" the Overseer asks, while I just shrug. I lean against the closest tree, trying to support myself so I don't just fall to the ground. The Overseer seems to know, and he just nods slowly. "I hope it's as painless as possible..." the Overseer says, then ushers the group forward. They all look at the Overseer in some sort of pained emotion, but then look back at me before they continue to walk forward. 

I groan softly, closing my eyes and letting my body take me to my new life. 


I land on the grassy ground, the grass in between my fingers. Groaning, I look up; seeing someone dressed in completely black standing not far from me. I jump up, backing away from them slowly. "Don't be scared, Yellow Steve. Or should I say, Nightmare Steve?" they ask me, completely freaking me out. 

"H-How do you know my name?" I ask, and they seem to do a soft chuckle. "Why, I am the guardian of this entire realm. I know everyone who comes here and about to come here. People talked about you when they came here, you know," they say. 

I bite down on my bottom lip, nodding slowly. "They told me about how you were Nightmare Steve, the Steve who wanted power over all Steve's," they explain, their voice seeming disappointed. "But then the newer Steve's told me about how you changed, and were helping this one player, and from what I know you were trying to find them."

I nod, looking up at them. "The player, Sabre, was one of the people that I tormented the most as Nightmare Steve. So, I tried to make it up to him in the end. He finally forgave me, and then right after; he disappeared. So, I spent the rest of my life in the search party, trying to find him..." I explain quietly, and they nod. 

"You proved yourself in the end. That's what matters," the Guardian of the Spirit World explains, and I nod slowly. For some reason, tears are starting to from in the corner of my eyes, and I can't help but think about things other than what I'm talking about.

Instead, I'm thinking about the reason I was evil: Elemental Steve. If this is where everyone who died goes, then does that mean that Elemental Steve is here?  I wonder to myself, looking around at the land that looks identical to the normal world. 

"There was one person in particular who talked about you the most," the guardian says, gesturing towards the northern area. "I believe you should go see them, if you want to." 

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