Trust Me ~ FavreMyAlex

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I was uh-- reading some straight smutshots so I could write this-- be proud-- Second straight smutshot I've ever written, and the first one since like, two years-- 

~Alex's POV~

I sigh, wrapping my green blanket around myself to keep myself warm. I got my green pair of pajama pants on, but since I didn't have any clean pajama shirts; I ended up just putting a shamrock green sports bra on and calling it a night (That's a me moveeee-- just pink--). Thankfully, my green blanket should cover my body as I walk down the hallway to get something to drink, seeing as I couldn't get myself to fall back asleep. 

As I go into the main room, I see a dim light coming from Sabre's room. "He's up...?"  I ask myself groggily, still hating waking up in the middle of the night. Instead of getting some water as I planned to, I slowly walk over to Sabre's room. I quietly knock on the door, and after a moment; Sabre opens the door. 

He looks as if he's been awake for hours, and I just sigh. "Alex? You're up? Why?" he asks me, and I just smile. 

"I should be asking you the same thing," I say with a slight smile, then yawning. "Something on your mind?" Sabre asks me, and I shrug. 

"I think... I think I got a crush on you..." I whisper quietly, and he looks up at me. "R-Really?" he asks me, making me blush. I nod, and then, to my surprise; he kisses me. 

I mentally scold myself from that stupid dream I had, that keeps popping into my head. This time though, it's different. I'm looking at Sabre, and the thought of the dream won't fade like it normally does. "S-Sabre?" I stumble on my words, and he looks up at me. I sit down on his bed; keeping the blanket wrapped tight around myself. He does a soft "hm?" in response, grinning. 

"Can I tell you something?" I mutter quietly, trying to get myself to say it finally. "Anything, Alex," he says, seeming tired though. 

"A-Alright... Well... I-I think... I think I li-like you!" I stutter out, though almost shouting at the end. He looks up at me, just as he always does in my dreams; a soft shade of pink dusting across his face. 

"R-Really..? I-I like you t-too..." he whispers, holding my hand gently. I smile softly, and he then carefully scoots closer to me. Then, he leans in, and I lean in as well. Our lips meet; sending fireworks throughout my body. It doesn't last long though, before we both pull away. 

"Wow..." we say in unison, making both of us blush more. Then, I stand up abruptly; getting ready to run off to my room for the rest of my life. "Alex? Wait!" he shouts, grabbing my hand and pulling me back down. I bite my bottom lip, not knowing what to say and just expecting him to hate me now. 

"Please... Stay..." he whispers quietly, taking me by surprise. "D-Don't hate me, p-please.." I mutter quietly, warm tears rolling down my face.

 "Alex... I would never hate you... I-I love you..." he whispers, kissing my knuckles gently. I blush brightly, smiling softly. 

"I lo-love you too..." I whisper, and he kisses me again.  I kiss him back, this time it's more lustful though. Love and passion, lust and fire; all of them are coming from the amazing, sensational feeling. I moan softly against his lips as his hands gently start to rub against my chest through the blanket; and he takes that as a chance to let his tongue into my mouth. (My foot is bleedinggggg--)

His tongue explores inside my mouth at a teasingly slow pace, making me whimper from wanting more of the amazing feeling quicker. He grins against my lips, taking his pace a litter faster than he was doing before. I moan lowly against his lips, and he slowly starts to slide my blanket off my body. 

FavreMySabre One Shots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now