Paperwork ~ FavreMyJett

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So Piraedunth requested this one, and the wonderful youtubelover2019 gave me this prompt, and ye!

Also, I swear imma delete this if someone corrects anything small-

~Sabre's POV~

I huff, hating all the paperwork I still have to do while everyone else is out on a mission. Well, everyone but Jett. He stayed behind, saying he needed some time from doing another mission. I mean, it's understandable, seeing as we all just got back from a mission, but still.

"Everyone's going to be fine, don't worry, Sabre," Jett continues to reassure me, but it still leaves me uneasy. I groan, still having a stack of paperwork in front of me that I need to do.

"Sabre, you should take a break..." Jett says as he walks into the room, carrying some food and a glass of water for me. I shake my head, taking the glass of water before continuing to work on everything.

"I have to finish this, Jett. After I finish it, I'm free to do whatever I want," I say and he sighs.

"Can we hang out afterwards?" he asks, and without even looking up, I agree. Anything to get him to leave me alone long enough to finish this.

"Can I help you with this now?" he asks. I groan in frustration.

"Sure, just let me focus on these, okay?" I ask, a slight bit annoyed. I look up, and he bites his lip slightly, nodding. He grabs a chair and pulls it over to my desk, getting a pen from my pen holder and then starting to work on the paperwork as well.


After an hour or so, we finally finish all the paperwork. Jett sighs in relief, while I just groan. "There! We finished, now we can talk?" he asks, his eyes pleading a yes.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?" I ask him and he simply grabs my hand, basically dragging me to his room.

He sits down on his bed, making it sink down slightly. I snicker slightly, and when I look back at him, he's blushing slightly. "You okay?" I ask, not really knowing why he's blushing. 'Maybe it's from the place being warm? I mean, it is getting kinda hot in here...' I think in my head.

"Y-Yeah... I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something that's kinda... embarrassing..." Jett explains, and I look at him in curiosity. He sighs, continuing. "Well, I've been feeling something different towards someone in the Creed..." Jett says softly, and I don't exactly know why, but something tugs on something in my chest from his words.

"What's this feeling..?" I ask him, and he sighs.

"I... I like them, as more than friends..." Jett shifts on the bed, and I mess with my hands. For some reason, hearing that... hurts...

"Who is it..?" I ask, biting my lip. He sighs, looking back up at me.

"You..." Jett says, and then swiftly moves forward and kisses me. I blush from it, though kissing him back.

~Jett's POV~

Without thinking, I practically jump into Sabre's arms and kiss him passionately. To my surprise, not long after, he kisses back.

I run my hands through his soft, fluffy brown hair that I've always dreamed of touching, and he rests his one hand on the small of my back while the other is resting on my cheek. I blush softly, and Sabre soon after forces his tongue between my lips with no hesitation.

I don't fight it, I let him do as he wishes to me. His tongue dances around inside my mouth, exploring every nook and cranny to make sure he covers everything. The heated kiss lasts even longer, even after he finishes, and the only reason it ends is because I pull away so I can get more air in my lungs.

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