Year 1 - The Granger Sisters

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The morning light peeking slightly through my drawn curtains causes me to stir, tossing over and pulling the blanket over my head again.

Not a moment later a series of banging noises can be heard coming from my door.

"Nyx! Nyx, wake up!" Bellowed my sister from the other side of my door.

She doesn't wait for a response as she lets herself into my room and I feel a heavy weight crashing down on me.

I peek out from under the covers as my sister violently shakes me awake. "You surely not going to stay in bed all day!"

I groan loudly as I fight my sisters hands, "Hermione stop! I'm awake now, no thanks to you."

Still sitting on my bed, she beams at me as I sit up. Not waiting a second longer she crashes into me again, sending me falling backwards on to my bed as she squeezes me.

"Happy birthday sis!" Her high-pitched voice muffled by my blankets. Which I am thankful for because I am definitely not an early riser.

Hermione straightens up as she allows me to sit up once again. I rub my face as I respond in a groggy voice, "too many words, so much energy for so early in the morning."

I look up at her through my fingers, her brightly colored face still beaming down at me as she tries to control her energy. "Sorry, but you're finally eleven!"

I sigh slightly as I drop my hands looking at my clock next to my bed, "where are you getting all this energy from? It's only 7h30 in the morning!"

"Sorry! I don't know how anybody can never be excited for their birthday," apologizes Hermione, although she doesn't look very sorry.

"Alright, well let me get dressed," I respond, shoving her off my bed.

Pretending to be hurt by my gesture she responds, "well Mom and Dad are in the Kitchen preparing your birthday breakfast. See you in a bit!" And off she skips, humming a birthday tune.

Once I am dressed and tied my hair up, I make my way to the Kitchen where Hermione has already dug into her set of pancakes, clearly too hungry to wait for me.

"Come sit darling, Happy Birthday!" Our mother comes over and gives me a peck on the cheek as she sets down my plate of pancakes with the number eleven written on them with cream.

Our father gives me a quick hug before handing me a present, "from your mother and me. I hope you going to like it."

I gently open my present to reveal a set of drawing pencils with a drawing pad - I had picked up my drawing skills quite early in life, which to my parents' astonishment I have surpassed most of the children my age.

Although a few weeks ago I had managed to do something incredible not even I can explain - the pencil was just hovering on its own accord drawing what I was envisioning in my mind. Strange things have been happening around Hermione as well since she turned 11 and our parents have tried to enquire by doctors what it is, but everyone seems to think we have gone mental when we explain what's happened.

"Thanks Mom and Dad! I love it. I will sit out back a little later on and draw a bit." I place the present aside as I dig into my pancakes; Hermione already finished with hers.

She then runs from the table and moments later comes running back to me. Panting, she hands me a present of her own. "Here, something from me as well."

I unwrap the thin item in my hand to reveal a picture frame which has 'Sisters Forever' written in purple. The photo frame consisting of a photo of Hermione and myself curled up on the couch on a cold winter's day, laughing about our hot cocoa moustaches that had formed on the top of our lips.

Small tears threaten to spill as I look at her, "Hermione..." I grab her into a hug. "I absolutely love it. Thank you!" I let go of her as I wipe my eyes, trying not to make it obvious that I am on the verge of tears.

My birthday passed on with Hermione and myself playing games for most of the day, later she had sat for me in the back as I tried out my new sketch set from our parents and in the evening, we had gone out for supper.

I place the photo frame I received from Hermione on my bedside table before heading off to bed. Our faces staring back at me before I switch off the light.

As the sun is fading behind the horizon a few days later, we hear a small knock coming from our front door.

Our father leans over the couch and calls to me, "Nyx dear, won't you please see who is at the door. I don't think your mother was expecting anybody."

I nod in response as I get up from the dining room table.

I open the door to reveal a tall black-haired woman wearing emerald green robes and square spectacles along with a pointed hat that is cocked to one side.

She looks down at me with a stern expression on her face, before replacing it with a small smile. "Hello dear, are your parent's home?"

Slightly taken aback I nod stiffly as I open the door wider for her to come in. "Mom, Dad there's someone here to see you!"

Our parents appear from the lounge as the woman addresses them, "hello, I'm Professor McGonagall. Would you mind if we sit down for a bit with your two daughters?"

Slightly confused my parents call for Hermione as we walk to the dining room table, taking a seat as Hermione sits down next to me.

The Professor speaks first as none of us know what to say, "now let me not dawdle around these matters." She addresses my parents first, "I'm sure you are aware of some strange events happening around your two daughters, correct?"

Our father is the first to respond, "y-yes that is correct. Doctors can't seem to help us on that."

Professor McGonagall gives a small nod, "they won't be able to." She pulls a stick from her robe which rather looks like an old fancy looking pen that has no point to write with. She gives it a slight swish and a small pamphlet appears in front of my parents.

With our mouths agape, the Professor continues, "your two daughters are showing a remarkable ability known as magic. It becomes prominent in children at the age of 11; where at this point, they will attend our school known as Hogwarts. Everything you need to know is explained in this pamphlet."

She pauses for a moment, letting the information settle in. Hermione and I turn to each other as we gleefully exclaim simultaneously, "we're witches!"

The Professor looks over at us smiling as she continues addressing our parents, "yes and should you want them to flourish in their magical powers then you will need to enroll them into our school.

"The pamphlet explains where and how to get all their school items for the year which will begin on September 1st. Now I know this must all be a shock to you, but I assure you that that is why I am here. So that I can assist with any queries that you may have."

The night passes on further with our parents exhausting the poor Professor with all their questions, whereas Hermione and I cannot contain our excitement any longer and are begging our parents to let us go.

Year 1 - The Granger Sisters ~ End

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