Year 4 - Mad-Eye Moody

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The storm has blown itself out by the following morning, though the ceiling in the Great Hall is still gloomy; heavy clouds of pewter grey swirl overhead as our new schedules get handed out.

"What a great way to start the morning," I say in disbelief as I stare at my schedule. "History of Magic."

"I would do anything to get out of that class," Tracey responds with a sigh.

I sit up with excitement, beaming at her. "Speak to George and Fred, they'll have something for you."

"Speaking of George." She nudges me. "How are things on that front?"

I shrug my shoulders while buttering a slice of toast; Not wanting to admit to her that she was right in saying that he will develop feelings for me. "Same as always, I've been helping them a ton load with their products they want to start selling."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it. But never mind, what products are they selling? Is that what you meant by saying they'll have something for me?"

I nod as I take a bite of my toast. "We have made our very own joke items, especially things that can get you out of class. And you can be our first trial customer and give us a review on our product. We're looking to make it official within this year or the next, we're obviously just working out a few kinks still with some of our products that –"

"Nyx, slow down," Tracey chuckles as I had started blabbering on.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited for the twins about this," I apologize.

"Especially George, right?" she asks with raised eyebrows.

"Seriously Tracey. If it isn't George then it's Draco," I say as I punch her jokingly on the arm.

"You called?" says an all too familiar voice from behind me as he sits down, which causes me to jump as he was initially seated further down the table with Crabbe and Goyle.

I peer over my shoulder and smile as he continues, "I was walking by and heard my name being used in the same sentence with a Weasley. I'm curious to know why?"

I remain frozen in my seat, so Tracey takes the opportunity to speak up, "we were just discussing who Nyx –"

I hastily place my hand over her mouth to keep her from saying anything further. I look over to Draco again, slightly blushed as Tracey tries to pry my hand from her mouth. "It's nothing serious."

He peers over to Tracey and then back at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Excuse me if I find that hard to believe."

George comes to my saving graces and waves me over from the Gryffindor table.

I sigh in relief. "If you'll excuse me, I'm being summoned to the Gryffindor end."

I get up grabbing my bag and placing it over my shoulder. Leaning into Tracey I whisper, "not another word to him or I will ruin you. Literally."

I then move to Draco and without thinking I give him a hug, which takes him by surprise as much as it takes me and causes Pansy to huff and puff at the very sight of it. "See you in class," I say awkwardly before heading over to the twins.

Tracey shouts across the hall as I walk away, "I can't promise anything." Which earns her a well-earned death stare from me, but I know she's joking.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say as I take a seat next to George. Waving at Fred and Lee Jordan.

"We need your brains on this," says Fred.

I look at them skeptically. "With what?" Although I think I might already know the answer to that. "It's got to do with the Triwizard Tournament, correct?"

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