Year 3 - Buckbeak's Execution

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The euphoria of Gryffindor finally winning the Quidditch Cup lasts at least a week throughout the castle. The Slytherin common rooms grave as ever.

I sit down next to Draco late one evening as he tries to concentrate on his work in front of him. Everyone else already in bed.

"Sometimes I wonder if our meetings will ever stop being in secret like this," I joke as I peer over at him.

He gloomily looks up at me.

"Hey, cheer up. I know we didn't win, but we didn't go down without a fight." I add with a giggle, "literally."

The sides of his mouth twitching up slightly as he looks back down at his books.

"I can see a smile in there somewhere," I say as he peers up at me, trying to feign disinterest.

"You played well, just imagine one day being on the Falmouth Falcons team." I smirk. "You'll fit right in with your fierce style of play," I chuckle.

Draco chokes back a laugh. "I am not taking that as a compliment."

"But it did make you laugh, didn't it? How about Wimbourne Wasps?" I say still laughing softly.

A throaty laugh escapes as Draco responds looking up at me, "oh god no. Can you imagine me in a yellow and black outfit? It'll make me think I'm in Hufflepuff." He shivers at the thought while still laughing.

I raise my eyebrows, mocking him, "hey you'll look quite cute dressed as a little Hufflepuff wasp." I then look at Draco with a sincere smile. "But all jokes aside, what team would you really like to be in?"

"Honestly, Vratsa Vultures or Heidelberg Harriers," he responds, his eyes twinkling with passion.

"Going international?" I ask surprised. "I expected an England team."

Draco shakes his head. "Vratsa Vultures are known to be one of the most thrilling teams in the world to watch and they are famously recognized to giving young unknown players chances on their team.

"The Heidelberg Harriers are acknowledged to be fiercer than a dragon and twice as clever. My father was going to send me to Durmstrang so I probably would have scouted for the Heidelberg Harriers."

I smile warmheartedly at Draco. "You'd make a good Captain to one of those teams one day, I can just see it."

Draco runs his hand through his hair, averting his gaze to his books again. "You really think so?"

"Yeah," I reply. 

"But as far as my father is concerned, he will never allow it. Being on a Quidditch team is just a dream, he says he supports me, but I know he sees me moving down another path," he sighs, running his hands over his face trying to wake himself up.

"You should never give up on your dreams for others," I say placing a comforting hand on his.

We both look down at my hand on top of his, pausing for a moment.

We look back up again as I take my hand away and clear my throat. "Mind if I do some work with you?"

"Sure, how about I go over your Potions essay, and you go over mine. Look for any mistakes," he says taking out his parchment.

I nod handing him mine.

We sit in utter silence as we pour through the work, the only sound is of our quills making notes on one another's essays. We work quietly for what seems like hours –


I feel a light tap on my shoulder, a cool breathe on my cheek. Draco's voice flowing quietly to my ear. "Nyx... Nyx wake up."

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