3: Nerds Bootcamp

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The obnoxious alarm clock wouldn't be enough to disturb Taehyung's sleep so early in the morning, even though he would rather prefer that to be the case.

A few minutes back he was in the midst of seeing his girlfriend- Ex girlfriend- death repeatedly reoccurring in his head, almost like some stupid record player without an ending. Well, that's his own fault because he was warned him to not get attached to anyone and he did.

To the gang leader's sister.

Well, saying that this is a gang is too little of a title to be fair. In this world that Taehyung was once involved in, the phrase gangs was used as a cover up for mafia in order to prevent high risk of suspicion with the authorities since they don't buy too much effort into 'street delinquents who just wants to get in trouble'. This goes for the top three biggest 'gangs' in the world.

Oasis, being number one. Orchids being second, and Icarus coming in third.

Taehyung doesn't really know anything regarding either two, especially Oasis; only the fact that they're an enemy just because they're on top. Maybe he should've dug deep on how they even looked like to say the least, in that way he knows what exactly to avoid, but he is prepared in case anything does happen.

Orchids has not made a move on them because they have been too busy training to become better; in every way possible. Whether the case may be technology wise or in combat, following with planning and types of ways to go around bringing hell to one's life. They've remained quiet for that main reason, especially since they managed to have caught a rat from Oasis to be their little snitch on expressing the loving details of every inch of that Oasis empire.

So the men trained in Orchids are now specialized specifically on how to end that specific empire right off it's feet, including Taehyung. They just needed a plan on how to strike, but no doubt they'll achieve their goal easily after all the training and information they've received.

Well, not like that matters anymore since Taehyung ran away after they discovered his dad was a fed.

Such a dick move.

Anyways back to story telling, when the two lovebirds thought of the amazing idea to run away from their problems, the 'gang' leader caught them and got so infuriated with rage that he, himself, killed his own sister right in front of Taehyung. The leader forced him to watch her body be slaughtered by the gang members one by one before the leader burned with her alive.

The screams still brutally hurts his ears to this day.

Taehyung has never gotten attached to anyone ever since then.

Not even to his own father, since he still holds a minor grudge to the fact that he's the cause of all this mess.

Taehyung just forbidden himself from feeling any type of attachment to anyone.

The nightmare was something that has remained consistent in his life, since it just never goes away; Seeing her burn before his eyes, hearing her shrill sobs with the thick smell of her skin being boiled underneath the flames. Taehyung hasn't been able to shake it off out of his head and it's been at least a year ago since it happened.

The guilt won't leave him alone,

He knows it's his fault she's dead, since he didn't stop her.

So with a dreadful sigh, Taehyung turns off his alarm and slides off the bed, stretching his sore muscle in the process from his sleepless night while snapping a few bones to be categorized in the right places. He drags himself to the bathroom and brushes his teeth, staring at his newly blood red hair that he dyed recently before coming here. His father told him he had to change his hair color into something that would make his previous gang, Orchids, not think about looking into.

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