15: Saving The Nerd

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Taehyung is starting to miss how he use to spend his weekends.

Before he use to party with his 'friends', get shit faced so bad that he woke up with the worse hangovers ever the next morning. He would get high off weed and buzzing pulses with cocaine, you know, that hardcore shit that innocent kids shouldn't be doing.

But that was way before, he means more so the weekends after that.

When he met her, she changed everything about that old life for him. Then he spent every weekend cuddled up to her side and watching random tv shows all day long if they had to. They use to cook together and make all these pastries just because she loved sweets and baking.

No, Taehyung doesn't miss the high life party at all.

He misses being with someone.

Now he feels lonely, and there's nothing he can do to fill in that void now.

If he tries getting close to anyone, it would only be worse for him and the person.

But..... Does he always have to live his life in fear?

His father did say he was safe here and he is taking care of what's going on back in America.

Can't he just..... Finally enjoy life as a regular kid instead of a criminal?

He would, he very much would.

But his father wouldn't have warned him to stay away from gangs if he was a free man.

Now he has the masked man as an issue on his shoulder, yet he hasn't heard or seen anything since that night he was taken.

Perhaps he was serious on not getting involved with him, letting Taehyung decide for that in his own.

Then again, the guy did say he wouldn't be on him, and Taehyung knows how to protect himself.

That doesn't change anything if Taehyung were to have someone by his side. They would be watched, and there's that possibility of something happening to them too.

No, he can't let that happen.

He can bare the loneliness for now.

Not like he's not use to it.

Taehyung was in the midst of watching tv, finding nothing entertaining to watch, when he suddenly decided to go for a midnight walk instead. There's actually nothing to do in his apartment and for once he finished all his homework early.

In the past Taehyung would always go on night walks. It just helped him get a breath of air from the world around him. He knows it's probably not the wisest decision to make right now, but he doesn't doubt his skills.

After all, he's been kind enough to not show the true sides of his psychotic personality.

So Taehyung swings on his hoodie with gun hidden underneath as he walks out of the apartment.

If there's something he likes about Korea, it's the night sky. It's so beautiful, and something Taehyung just feels so connected with.

Probably because he would always be out at night in America, but the sky isn't the same as to how it appears here.

He doesn't know exactly what it is that makes him feel calm being here, but it does.

It just feels so peaceful, as if the world is finally at peace with itself.

The cars run down the street soothingly.

Rarely any people to make commotion by the side walks that Taehyung is walking by.

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